About me image by DALL-E AI
About me image by DALL-E AI

It is about bringing people to the One True GOD and saving the good-hearted people.

This job requires a full-time commitment. In this line of work, you will unintentionally uncover the false doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church, as Galileo Galilei and Martin Luther experienced. It is a difficult job, and given the substantial challenges this job presents, it is not advisable to find another job where this alone proves very difficult. It is better to focus on GOD and saving good-hearted people.

Many will say that to live in this world, you must make money to have something to eat and do the good things for GOD. GOD provides me blessings because I put GOD above all (i.e., above myself, my future, my parents, my family, relatives and my friends). GOD did not abandon me and have channels and bridges for His blessings to reach my side. It is not an issue of prioritizing GOD above earthly living because GOD provides for those who put Him above all. It is those defenders of the Roman Catholic doctrine who do evil manipulations by poisoning the channels and burning the bridges so that the blessings of GOD will not reach the whistleblower. It is explained in this post Prioritize GOD Above All.

They camouflage that as if they are the good ones trying to push me back to my career (as if they are the concerned ones) and are the ones used by their church to control me and stop me from whistleblowing. It is a Work Diversion to shift the focus of the whistleblower away from sharing the Truth of the loopholes and the fallacy of their doctrine. Some do not even understand that they are being manipulated by those who defend the false doctrine to enforce their evil intent over me and to those people being used to entice me to go back to my career, they thought they are doing the good thing to push me back to work when in reality, being a whistleblower is already a ‘difficult’ work, a very very very difficult job with no salary. They act as the concerned ones, but do not have the ears and heart to listen but impose what they want to push me back to work. “Concern” is not the correct term, but taking “Control” over me is because I am a whistleblower, so they fooled people into thinking that they are the good ones but are “actually” using people to take control over a whistleblower. That is when they will lie to defend the doctrine, falling into thinking that it is the Golden Standard but are “actually” making them liars and heading for that roadmap of being an evil they are trying to avoid.

They might not fully appreciate that I have been doing my best to use my skills, knowledge, and whatever resources I have to serve GOD and help people understand the truth. For instance, authoring a book requires acquired skills to manage Research and Development R&D, uncover those loopholes, and crack the unfathomable scapegoat of their doctrine that fooled many innocent people, as discussed in Save Our Souls book. I had to learn new technologies and work with a modest budget of around $6 to create a website within a month (which includes technologies I have not used before, so I have to learn it from scratch). It took significant effort and dedication to complete the project in that time (the website itself, not the posts). The whole point: I prioritize GOD above all and think of the welfare of the people. My talents, knowledge, and skills are not wasted. These gifts can be utilized and are utilized to serve GOD. GOD can provide for those who prioritize Him above all.

The problem arises when those who defend the false doctrine intercept those channels and bridges. They brainwash or manipulate the channels, and burn the bridges so that the blessings that GOD provides will not reach my end. They falsely accuse me of Terrorism and Satanism. It’s their evil way (i.e., to lie and deceive people) to scare people, which makes people stay away from me. If they only read my book Save Our Souls, they will see the truth that I’m NOT a terrorist, never was, never will, and not a Satanist. There’s no doubt that it is one of their evil ways to demonize whistleblowers like me so that people will not listen to the truth. Even my brother called me Satanist and War-freak, considering my book was given to them where the back cover states:

The first step to save our souls is to see this light through the Truth of GOD and His Love, not with violence nor hatred, but through Peace and not war.

— Fritz Jeran L. Velasco

They judge me wrongly, even though the book speaks about GOD, love, and the truth, but they do not read it. Is it by accident? No, it is not an accident, but it is a tactic to deter people from listening to the truth that a whistleblower like me aims to deliver to save them. In a metaphoric sense, it is like training people not to listen to the radius of Galileo and label it as satanic and not to listen to the circumference of Galileo and label it as terrorism. With this approach, people will avoid and will not associate with Galileo, which makes them unable to see the truth that he delivered: that the earth is round and not flat. They demonize Galileo as a heretic, and similarly, they demonize me as a terrorist and satanic. These are false allegations to burn the channels and bridges of the blessings of GOD so that those blessings will not reach my end in the context of prioritizing GOD over living in this world.

The truth I deliver is still the truth, even if the whole world does not believe in it, and their lies are still lies, even if the world is convinced by their lies, a hard lesson from the life story of Galileo Galilei. I am not against the Christians. It’s the opposite, i.e., I’m trying to save them from the false doctrines of the Roman Catholic, but this Good and Sincere intention usually is taken negatively, as one of the contributing factors is how they mold the minds of people when someone whistleblows against their doctrine, as evident throughout the history. My intention is for the welfare of other people, that I even absorb the pains and sufferings to provide them the truth, so that they will see that truth, so that by the truth they are on the right way to true salvation, not the formulated one.