The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title

GOD is Incorporeal 3

The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title
The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title

In our previous post, we explained that we should not decouple the Oral and Written Torah because the Oral Torah provides the details and case-to-case basis that the Written Torah summarizes (i.e., Oral and Written Torah reveal that GOD is Incorporeal). Since their doctrine only took the Written Torah (Old Testament) and created their formulation called the Hypostatic Union, which sells that their false GOD is both fully human and divine, implying a Dual Nature. It is wrong to have this “Dual Nature” because it creates corruption and impurities, or in other terms, a conflict of interest, that usually comes with their “unfathomable” password/scapegoat.