The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title

GOD is Incorporeal 2

The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title
The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title

Now, let us examine the presence of GOD as Blazing Fire on the Bush in Exodus 3:1-5 and the Pillar of Cloud in Exodus 13:21 and compare it to their false doctrine in John 1:14 that the word became flesh. Let us differentiate the real Incorporeal GOD in the Torah from their flesh Corporeal false GOD in the New Testament. Remember Incorporeal and Corporeal can never be coequal and are opposite in Nature. Why did they bypass the Oral Torah and only take the Written Torah and rename it as the Old Testament? Let us see if their false doctrine truly aligns with the Nature of GOD and have an overview and gradually dive 360-degree view of this topic in this post.