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Is breaking the “Unfathomable” scapegoat of the Roman Catholic doctrine possible? Yes, it is possible! First, we must have Reverence for GOD, and everything will follow. How to break the “Unfathomable” scapegoat? Can we prove scientifically that their doctrine is not unfathomable? Is it a repeatable process of proving that it is not unfathomable? How can we prove it scientifically? Do you discredit science in showing the Truth? These questions of using science to demonstrate the Truth against their false doctrine by Galileo Galilei showed that it is possible to use science to reflect the Truth and it is not evil, satanic, demonic, or heretic. We will see it in this post.
Some things are “truly” unfathomable. Who can measure the power of GOD? No one can measure the power of GOD because His power has no limits. No One can measure the Omnipotence of GOD. Can anyone measure the Love of GOD? No one can measure the Love of GOD, for GOD is an Omnibenevolent Being. Can you get to the last point of an infinite number, which is one of the creations of GOD with His Intelligence? No one can measure that creation alone, so we cannot measure the Intelligence and Knowledge of GOD, for He is an Omniscient Being. Notice that the Nature of GOD (to mention a few: Love, Omniscience, and Omnipotence) is “truly” unfathomable. Some twist the Nature of GOD to serve the formulation of their doctrines. That is why we must have Reverence for GOD and never manipulate the Nature of GOD for whatever purpose. Wisdom comes if we have Reverence for GOD as stated in Proverbs 9:10. For details, See Section 3.2 Wisdom of GOD in Save Our Souls book, which I’ve given for free for the welfare of the people. The captcha should be automatic, and if needed, check it to show the download button to get the book for free. Learning and knowing the Nature of GOD is very important. If you have Reverence for GOD, you will have that passion to know GOD. If you do not know the Nature of GOD and claim that someone is GOD, how can you say that someone is GOD if, in the first place, you do not know what is GOD and His Nature? Let me share a story to prove this point:
Worship and Praise Story
Miracles are not the foundation of faith, but knowing the Nature of GOD is. In the above story, god is in small case to indicate a false GOD and the son does not know the Nature of GOD. He based it on miracles. Knowing the Nature of GOD is very important. So, which comes first, Reverence for GOD or Knowing the Nature of GOD? The answer is the Reverence for GOD. Remember, when Moses climbed Mount Sinai and talked with GOD, Moses did not know much about GOD, and since Moses humbled himself before GOD and had reverence for GOD, he listened to GOD. With the act of Reverence of Moses, GOD revealed His Nature to Moses through the Torah and His Nature with Moses and the Israelites, which the formulation of the Trinity doctrine does not adhere to and calls those gray areas “Unfathomable.” For details about the inconsistencies, please review my previous post The Right Paradigm of Faith . The Nature of GOD reflects the true sense of the word unfathomable, but using this word to cover up their doctrine loopholes and inconsistencies is invalid. They use unfathomable as a scapegoat to explain the failure of their formulation and doctrine to explain things.
God is always pure because He is perfect. One does not need to become perfect or a perfectionist to understand this. The purity of God is important because it reflects the reverence we should have for GOD, purifying ourselves before His presence. The Purity of GOD is one of His Nature that affects other natures. The Purity of GOD does not stand by itself, but it directly affects all the nature of GOD, i.e., in the above case, it affects the Omnipotent Nature of GOD. On the wrong side, in their teachings, they used the concepts of salvation and dual nature as vessels to promote their doctrine formulation, which led to impurities and the use of “unfathomable” as a scapegoat.
What happened to the perfect record of their false GOD? Where is the purity of the record of their false GOD? Instead of having a perfect record, they’ve introduced deviation and impurities to the record of GOD. Does the concept of dual nature resolve their flawed formulation? No, because impurities remain, even if their false GOD took human form. So, is it truly ‘unfathomable’? The answer is no! Blessed are those who recognize that the ‘unfathomable’ scapegoat is merely a lie to cover the loopholes in their doctrine and formulation, and through this, understand that their doctrine is based on false teachings. GOD will always have a perfect record, maintain purity, and never choose a path to salvation that introduces impurities. The excuse of ‘Sacrifice for Salvation’ has no merit, no bearing, hold no weight and will be further explained in My Transition 2 . Do you have other arguments? Watch out for the My Transition 2 of this post.
“Where is your faith in GOD that He can provide you Salvation without having impurities on His record? Where is your faith in GOD that He can save you without blemish in His Purity?”
As demonstrated above, in a repeatable process to show that it is not unfathomable, the Purity of GOD affects other Natures of GOD e.g., Omnipotence. If you want to see the details of the impact of Purity on the other Natures of GOD, download the Save Our Souls book for free and no registration needed. If needed, check the captcha to show the download button, and you can download it for free. May GOD bless and enlighten you for reading this post.