Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2

Torah answers the Unfathomable scapegoat image by DALL-E AI
Torah answers the Unfathomable scapegoat image by DALL-E AI

It is clear that even elementary or primary students can easily understand the Truth represented in the 2-dimensional graph (review the Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 post if you have not done so). The graph showed that their “Unfathomable” scapegoat is invalid and that they are teaching a false doctrine.Truth is easy to comprehend, but accepting it is difficult for many. It’s an issue of acceptance. Despite this wrong mentality, I have kept my patience to save the good people. Many are stuck in the self-denial stage because those who defend the false doctrine keep them stuck within the box of their false doctrine. In this post, we will cover those issues and alibis.

Contrasting Purity and Perfection of a True GOD and a false GOD
Contrasting Purity and Perfection of a True GOD and a false GOD

Two keywords to see in the graph: Purity and Perfection. It shows the contrast between the Purity of a True GOD and a false GOD. In short, their Trinity doctrine cannot claim the Son is One with the Father because they will pollute the Perfect and Pure Record of the Father. It is “clearly” not unfathomable either. GOD is Perfect and Pure as stated in Psalm 18:31. True GOD will never choose Salvation where the means are Impurities and Imperfection, as it contradicts the Pure and Perfect Nature of GOD.

Why is “Sacrifice for Salvation” considered useless and irrelevant? It is because of the Ripple Effect, Chain Reaction, Domino Effect, or Cascading Effect on the Nature of GOD. Look at the diagram above, GOD will always have the Perfect record (i.e., whether the author/writer is a perfectionist or not, stop making that excuse because it won’t affect that GOD is always Perfect). When someone is not Perfect, he cannot claim Purity (note: we are talking about the Purity of GOD and not just anybody else). The purity of GOD is Absolute. If he is not in Absolute status, he cannot claim Absolute Sovereignty and Authority. Therefore, he is not Omnipotent. If he is not Omnipotent, then he cannot be the Almighty. If he is not the Almighty, there is no doubt, that he is not GOD. One Nature of GOD ripples to the other Natures of GOD.

Why is the alibi that “Jesus rose from the dead” considered useless and irrelevant? Some will make that alibi that Jesus rose from the dead and overcome sin and anything else, such as Purity. The problem with this claim is that no matter how many times Jesus rose from the dead if you replicate the graph, you will still end up with a graph having a blemish record of Purity (instead of a clean and perfect record of Purity), and it is permanent in history. We cannot fool ourselves as if it did not happen in history. Impurity and Imperfection are not the way of a True GOD but of a false GOD and a false doctrine.

If you lived in darkness for a long time (just like many people at the time of Galileo in a context that the world is round, and not geostatic and geocentric as their church claimed), at first, the light may be painful in your eyes, but please try to absorb the light. I’m here to help you receive the light, i.e., the truth. Many will go through that self-denial stage, and I get that, I’ve surpassed that stage. Let me help you see the light, the truth that their doctrine hides from you. I am here to help, I am here to save you from the false doctrine. I’m not your enemy.

Please do not think that I only research these things, I also learn from the environment, and the people I interact with. Many automatically accused me of being satanic or demonic (See Satnic or Demonic Accusation ). Look at it clearly, and not in a biased way: I am standing for the Purity and the Perfect Nature of GOD while their doctrine creates the blemish that results in Impurities and Imperfection. They are the ones accusing me of being satanic and demonic. They turned it upside-down, and this tactic is what I called an Upside-Down Cross Tactic, which is under their Deception Strategy. Many defenders of the false doctrine wash their hands as if they have nothing to do against me. What they do not comprehend is the behavioral pattern of those who act against me is very consistent in how they indoctrinate those innocent people, and then they wash their hands over it. Please review The Box Effect post. Some will play blind and deaf to this loophole and live in lies and deceiving themselves pretending that their doctrine is heavenly. Please review The Santa Claus Effect post.

Having a debate with those who defend the false doctrine is useless. Can we not learn the lesson of the case of Galileo Galilei? Can we not learn the lessons of the case of Joan of Arch? Can we not learn the lesson of the legal case of Martin Luther? Is there a need to ask to recant Science? Is there a need to ask to recant graphs and Math? Is it that difficult? It is a simple 2D graph. Again, Truth is easy to understand but accepting it is difficult for many. From my experience, (especially when they are losing in the argument) they usually shift to attack the character of the whistleblowers, a tactic to deviate people from the Truth. Instead of focusing on the topic, they focus on “highlighting” the fault of the person standing for the Truth. Another tactic is to put the argument into an infinite loop until you get exhausted in their twisted games. One common tactic is that they will demonize the whistleblower. In this way, people will not focus on the loophole but stay away from the whistleblower who is telling the Truth. It is part of their Diversion Strategy. It is not about the high qualification of the whistleblower, the status of the whistleblower in society, or the values of the whistleblower, the graph stays the same, it reflects that their concept of Salvation is a false doctrine, and they worship a false GOD, it is not about the whistleblower, it’s about the loophole of their doctrine.

I grow up in a Christian-dominated country. I have seen a lot of good-hearted among them that shaped me to become who I am. You have to understand my psychology that those good Christians, those good-hearted people become part of me, and that is why I’m trying my best to save them from the false doctrine of the Roman Catholic religion, even though many abandoned me and hated me, insulted and mocked me, that did not deter in saving them, but take note that everything has its limits. Please don’t wait for the limit, please learn how to listen to both inside and outside the box. Once you get out of the box, you will see that the world is round and not flat as if you stick your head inside the box of their doctrine.

My priority follows the Ten Commandments where the top priority is GOD, above parents above nations, above everything in this world. GOD made an Everlasting plan for our world, and Israel has a role to fulfill it (You can read it in Chapter 12 Everlasting Covenant of the free book Save our Souls ) Non-Jews/Gentiles are part of that “True” Salvation, a Salvation where GOD is Pure and Perfect in all His Ways.

Israel, please take me home to Jerusalem, let me be one with my people, the Israelis. The time will come, as in the book of Zechariah 12:3, that many nations will be deceived (as we can see the disinformation at present) and go against Israel. Please do not wait for that time, I asked for help from the Israeli government for my conversion to Orthodox Judaism. Many will kill me for whistleblowing this Truth, but even before this, I already asked help from many Rabbis and the Israeli Embassy for their help. I even went to Israel to show my sincerity, but to the least of my concerns, I got deported and I do not even know why, no paper was given to me that explains why. Please Israel understand that I’m a whistleblower and some will falsely accuse me of terrorism or suicide bomber, to tie my feet on the ground where they can control me. I am not a terrorist. I am not a suicide bomber (no whistleblower rises from the grave to whistleblow). One attempted to kill me and publicly shouted to kill me and climbed the gate of my house and the other neighbors (his relatives) stopped him. If they are able to abduct me and put into a mental hospital for whistleblowing against their false doctrine and hides with the mental sickness argument, then they can do anything against me and that includes to frame me up as a terrorist. He filed a public disturbance against me, where on my left was having karaoke with a microphone, and on the right was also having a karaoke session. I am just sitting at the door of my house, and speaking without any microphone (inside the premises of my house to share the Truth to save people). Yet, I was the one who got a summon for a public disturbance case. Please think deeply about this, on another day, I wore sackcloth, no bath, no food, not even a drop of water on my lips to drink because it was Yom Kippur, early morning a blast of the sound of procession of their idols around 4-5 AM early in the morning, and yet no public disturbance. Think about their novena late at night with a megaphone. Think about the Misa De Gallo early dawn with their loud sound system. No public disturbance at all, but telling the people the Truth without a microphone, at the door of my house, is a public disturbance, or they don’t want to hear about the Truth?

I belong to Jerusalem, to be with my people, the Israelis. Again, I ask for help from the Israeli government for my conversion to Orthodox Judaism and to be with my people in Jerusalem. Let Jacob be my father, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah be my mothers, and the 12 Tribes of Israel my brothers and sisters. Just like in Ruth 1:16, You’re GOD, Oh Israel, is my GOD, your people are my people. Please let me be one with Israel for Hashem Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu. With respect and humility, Israeli government, please help me.