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Faith in GOD should be founded on the Truth and not mixed with fantasy. Identifying true from false to know whether a doctrine is valid or not to support our Faith is already logical, implying rationality. Some rely on miracles as the basis of their Faith. There are uncertainties and unknowns in this world. Some call it a leap of Faith when believing in things others do not understand. Is Faith about believing in what is unknown to us? Is Faith rational or irrational? Does having Faith follow some logic that makes humans rational? Does believing in GOD follow some logic or do we believe irrationally? What’s your thought? Join me in exploring this topic in this post.
Let us start with Adam and Eve. GOD has a direct relationship with them. He talks with them and reveals His presence to them. In their relationship with GOD, there is less doubt in believing GOD. At the beginning of humanity, GOD did not hide but revealed Himself to the first humans (Adam and Eve). GOD also directly interacted with Abel and Cain. While the nature of GOD’s presence was no longer as intimate as in the Garden of Eden, GOD continued to reveal Himself to humanity. At the time of the Tower of Babel, the people were all united by a single language. Due to the intent of this tower, the presence of GOD was revealed not in the sense of direct communion with humanity, as He did with Adam, Eve, Cain, or Abel, but through judgment and sovereignty by dispersing humanity using different language. All nations come from this dispersion.
As time passed by, many have neglected their relationship with GOD. As a result, few retain this relationship with GOD, and succeeding generations lost this connection. As this relationship degrades to others, they resort to worshipping non-existing beings, nature like mountains, trees, etc, or being elevated to higher status, which leads to Monotheism. One of the people who maintain their knowledge about GOD is Abraham. That is why the knowledge of GOD is handed down from generation to generation and kept as Faith. In short, Faith is not something we believe in unknown, or unexplained because from the beginning of humanity, GOD already revealed Himself, and it’s our sin that keeps us away from GOD in our direct relationship with Him, as our GOD. Faith is about our relationship with GOD and not just an act of believing.
Even with the story of Moses in Exodus 2:10-11, he already knew his Hebrew ancestry and defended one of his Kinsmen. It shows the continuity of Faith from Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and his generation, as GOD told Moses in Exodus 3:6. In Mt. Sinai, Moses experienced a more intimate relationship with GOD. Faith is not something unexplainable or unknown that we are drawn to believe because, again, from the start of Humanity, GOD revealed Himself. It is not unknown because the Nature of GOD is revealed across different generations. The events, this history, the people, and the archeological evidence support the Bible, and we cannot treat them as just mere stories. It’s like asking someone to believe that air exists, and someone answers that he does not believe because he does not see it. It does not require us to see things to believe because, rationally, we can breathe and feel it with the breeze of air through our other senses, and one is our common sense.
Faith is a rational relationship, and it is not irrational. If you doubt the existence of GOD and believe in GOD without any logic, there is still logic behind it, and it is explained in my book Save Our Souls in Section 1.2 The Existence of G-D. Even in a relationship with your loved ones, you will probably say, “I have faith in you,” to show trust, reliance, or confidence. It is a rational thing. Confusion occurs when they use Faith in the context of the unexplained “Faith” like miracles. Faith is founded by the Truth, so if we were to use miracles as the Foundation of Faith, it would lead to the wrong path. For example, even before the time of Galileo Galilei, under their doctrine, a lot of miracles had happened. If we use the highly miraculous reason as an argument to disprove Galileo and force Galileo to adhere to their doctrine, would it make things right? Of course, the answer is No! Miracles have some role in our Faith. Miracles are not used as the Foundation of our Faith but only as a Supplement to Faith. Believing in miracles is a different context from our topic in our Faith in GOD, so that is the subject of a separate post. Important factor is that Truth plays a crucial role in our Faith in GOD. and not to believe in any false doctrine.
What if someone invited you to their religion where their god has no power and cannot provide salvation? Would you have Faith in their god? Of course, Christians cannot be easily fooled to join that religion. Why? Because Christians have an idea that GOD is Powerful, an Omnipotent GOD. In short, there’s a rationale behind it, and it is not just a random belief. Faith is rational; a relationship with GOD aligned with the Truth. The big problem occurs when you share with them the Truth, and many of them (not all) act irrationally. I’m not speaking in theory but in practical and real-life experience as a whistleblower. Many see me as invisible, a joke, and ignore the Truth I’ve shared to save them from the false doctrine. They do not listen to reason because many think their doctrine is the golden standard. Have we not learned the lesson of the life of Galileo Galilei? Many would answer, yes, we already admitted that the Earth rotates around the Sun, the Earth is round, etc. What they accept is not the lesson but only the facts that Galileo is trying to convey. The real lesson is to learn to listen, reflect, understand, and not to think their doctrine is the golden standard. As previously explained, they use evil tactic of using the upside-down cross, i.e., they accuse me of being close-minded as discussed in the previous posts Close-Minded Accusation. If I were a close-minded person, I would have been stuck in their false doctrine, and would not be able to see the Truth and whistleblow.
Some were instructed not to listen to reason, act irrationally and blindly follow it, thinking they were doing the right thing but were “actually” doing the wrong thing, as discussed in our previous posts The Box Effect. Some intend to ignore the Truth to keep what they believe in, even if it’s wrong. Their act of being irrational is a form of self-denial to the Truth of the loopholes of their doctrine, as discussed in The Santa Claus Effect Again, Faith is founded on the Truth and not by preference or mixed with fantasy. Some avoid the Truth because of their ego, for they consider their doctrine the golden standard, so they do not listen to reason and act irrationally.
And do not forget that there are those evil people who act beyond being irrational. These people intend to destroy me for their hate against me. They lie to people that it is not Judaism because they want to shift it into their agenda of accusing me of terrorism. Look at my posts and lectures on the Nature of GOD founded on the Torah publicly. Founding my reflections and analysis based on the Torah, publicly singing the National Anthem of Israel (Hatikvah), singing publicly Vehi she amda by Yozzi Azulay, wearing sackcloth on Purim, observing the Sabbath at the level of applying for conversion, observing Yom Kippur and asking help from the Rabbinic Authority and Government of Israel is still terrorism for them. The Truth is they do not care about the Truth. They prefer to play blind, deaf, and act irrationally to the Truth and accuse me of dramatizing to fool people into accusing me of terrorism. They use the Dramatic Accusation tactic as part of their Deception Strategy to offset the dedication of the whistleblower to Judaism and shift it to their lies and deceit to pin down a whistleblower. In short, they deceive people into accusing me of terrorism when the Truth is what they are doing is a form of Anti-Semitism to delegitimize my effort for the conversion to Judaism, similar to the Anti-Semitism done during the Holocaust where they demonize and deceive and make Jews appear as an outlaw to the eyes of the people to push with their Anti-Semitism propaganda. The same evil ways that they are doing against me, accusing me of terrorism and offsetting my dedication to Judaism with their dramatic accusation tactic for their deception strategy against me for being a whistleblower, to tell the Truth against their false doctrine and their hatred towards me. So their game is to play irrationally and act blind and deaf to the Truth, ignoring that my reflections and insights are founded on Torah and that Judaism reflects the True Nature of GOD and True Faith in GOD.
A True Fatih is not biased and knows how to listen and understand. If it is biased and closes its mind and does not know how to listen and understand, then we cannot call it Faith, but it is only a Preference.
— Fritz Jeran L. Velasco
The Truth that I’m whistleblowing is not so complicated that you need to enroll in calculus or quantum physics class to prove the point. Truth is not the issue here, but the Acceptance of the Truth is. Many would think that I won’t matter because they will control people not to listen to me and demonize me, so my posts, effort, and dedication are useless and perceived as a weakness. Whether they behave irrationally or not, what they perceive as weakness, in my eyes, I see it as strength. If the outcome of my effort is that few read my posts and bear no effect on some people, I can pray and talk to GOD and use it as evidence of the status of Faith in this world and how many people ignore that GOD is Pure in all aspects, existence, layers, levels and all dimensions, but their doctrine creates impurities to push their formulation in making a man a GOD, as explained in my previous posts The Ripple Effect. The Nature of GOD is the right Foundation of Faith. The Nature of GOD existed even before the universe existed because it is part of GOD. Even if they kill me for being a whistleblower, the Nature of GOD will still exist, so what I stand for are not useless. The story of Galileo Galilei taught me that the Truth that I’ve shared, even if the whole world does not believe, is still the Truth. The lies they formulate, even if the whole world believes in those lies, are still lies, regardless they act irrationally or not.