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Did you know that GOD is Incorporeal? Many are willing to die for their beliefs, but do they fully understand what they stand for? What is Incorporeal? Why is GOD Incorporeal? Is Incorporeal an optional Nature of GOD? Slowly, you will see that I am NOT an anti-Catholic or anti-Christian, but someone who is making an effort to provide Catholics or Christians with information to help them see the light against the false doctrine. This effort is not limited to Christians but includes the good people trapped in similar false teachings. Let us have an overview and gradually have a 360-degree view of this topic in this and succeeding posts.
Before we dive into the Nature of GOD, let us try to understand why is it so important to know the Nature of GOD.
The Blind Faith
The first lesson of the story is that miracles are not the basis for the foundation of faith. If we base our faith on miracles without knowledge of what GOD is, then we can easily fall into those false doctrines. Miracles supplement faith, but it should not be the Foundation of Faith. Now, if we remove from the equation, the young boy still does not have any knowledge of what GOD is, so he can still fall into those false doctrines (please review The Verse Trap post) thus, the solid Foundation of Faith is learning and knowing the Nature of GOD.
Is being Incorporeal an optional Nature? To answer this, let us analyze things we know of our physical existence. In the image below, we can see that the UY Scutti is approximately 1700 times larger than the sun, and Stephenson 2-18 is approximately 2150 times larger than the sun, yet the largest known star occupies a small portion of the universe, a limited scope. Unlike the physical star, which we can compare to each other, GOD is far more than the size, ratio, and existence of the physical universe (i.e., the true sense of being unfathomable), not their doctrine (i.e., Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 and Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2 ), and nothing compares to GOD.
Human form, in terms of size, becomes irrelevant to the size of the universe. GOD does not have any state in which an aspect of Him becomes insignificant. The Blazing Fire or a Pillar of Cloud, which has no limitations in its size, form, or shape, which we will discuss on the next post. The point is that GOD is Not a physical being and does Not take a physical form having limitations or constraints or is bound to physical existence, so being Incorporeal is Not an optional Nature of GOD.
Now you can see why I prefer to use the word “Nature” rather than the word “Attribute” because the latter can be optional. However, the former (i.e., Nature) denotes an essential part of existence. In software engineering, we can have a static/fix attribute, read-only attribute, and dynamic attribute, either way, it will not come closer if we refer to the attributes of GOD, so using the word “Nature” is a much fitting term and is easy to grasp to majority of readers. So, the answer to the second question is that it is not optional, but it is part of GOD, His Nature as an Incorporeal GOD.
In the next post GOD is Incorporeal , we will cover the Old and the New Testament and its contrast. See the reason why the human form can never be Incorporeal. For details, see Section 1.3 Nature of the Almighty GOD, Section 1.4 Nature, Emotions, and Decisions of GOD, Section 1.5 Nature and the Ripple Effect, Section 1.6 Nature and the Levels of Abstraction, Section 1.7 Nature of Man, and the Fault of Man and Hope in the Free Book Save Our Souls .
Thank you for reading this post. May GOD bless you for making that leap to understand the things not explained inside the box of their false doctrine.