GOD is Incorporeal 2

The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title
The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title

Now, let us examine the presence of GOD as Blazing Fire on the Bush in Exodus 3:1-5 and the Pillar of Cloud in Exodus 13:21 and compare it to their false doctrine in John 1:14 that the word became flesh. Let us differentiate the real Incorporeal GOD in the Torah from their flesh Corporeal false GOD in the New Testament. Remember Incorporeal and Corporeal can never be coequal and are opposite in Nature. Why did they bypass the Oral Torah and only take the Written Torah and rename it as the Old Testament? Let us see if their false doctrine truly aligns with the Nature of GOD and have an overview and gradually dive 360-degree view of this topic in this post.

In Exodus 3:1-5, GOD appeared to Moses as a Blazing Fire out of a bush. You may interpret it as a physical form, but it is not. A “physical” fire requires a physical form to continue to burn, but we can see that Moses witnessed that it did not burn or consume the bush. It is different from the sun or star because its fire requires physical material like oxygen and helium to continue to burn and the sun itself is being consumed. Again, what Moses witnessed is that the Blazing Fire did not consume any of its surroundings. It is NOT a physical fire and fire itself does not have limitations because it can take any shape or size.

In Exodus 13:21, GOD revealed Himself as a Pillar of Cloud by day to guide the Israelites along the way and in a Pillar of Fire by night to give them light that they might travel day and night. A physical cloud follows the weather and wind pattern, but the Pillar of Cloud that reflects the presence of GOD does not because GOD is leading the Israelites to the right path. It is not a physical form of a cloud. The Blazing Fire and the Pillar of Cloud have no limitations in form, size, or shape. But as they put in their doctrine that their false GOD took the human form as stated in the verse below:

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son,[a] full of grace and truth.

We will now compare the Old and New Testaments in the context of the presence of GOD. You may think the first post does not make sense, but we now connect the dots. In the first post ( GOD is Incorporeal 1 along with Exodus 3:1-3 and Exodus 13:21, as a form, both the Blazing Fire or Pillar of Cloud does not have any limitations or constraints. We can have a galaxy occupied by thick clouds or a sun the size of a galaxy, and both are considerably normal. But for a human form, the size of a galaxy is abnormal. Where can this galaxy-size human form get its food source? An apple the size of a galaxy? Human forms are not designed to eat small food sources like plankton, so scaling of food is not applicable. We see the Blazing Fire and the Pillar of Cloud get their source from their Normal environment but it is abnormal for a human form, in short, a human form has its limits and can never be a form that can be considered as Incorporeal.

Both the Written and Oral Torah see the interpretation that GOD is Incorporeal have no physical form that has limits. As previously explained in the post The Missing Key to Truth , the Written Torah and Orah Torah should not be decoupled because the Oral Torah explains the details that the Written Torah summarized. But they took the Written Torah and renamed it to the Old Testament and have their interpretation disregarding the Oral Torah. Bypassing the Oral Torah, they have formulated that their false GOD can have a physical form, which is a very problematic formulation.

The period when the Oral and Written Torah was given to Moses at Mount Sinai is approximately 1,300 years. It means that even before the Roman Catholic started, Judaism already had a clear baseline on what GOD is in the context of His presence (i.e., Incorporeal). You cannot also claim that it was in the Judaism is for the past because the Roman Catholic started, GOD had revealed in the form of Jesus. That is still an invalid claim because even after Christianity was established, in the 12th century, Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (known as Rambam) established the 13 Principles of Faith and the Third Principle is that GOD is Incorporeal. The Pre or Post-Roman Catholic establishment has no bearing on the Incorporeal Nature of GOD because the issue is they bypass the Oral Torah to proceed with their formulation that GOD can be in a human form for salvation, that conflicts with the Nature of GOD.

The clear and undeniable truth is that both Oral and Written Torah explain that GOD is Incorporeal and does not take any form that has limitations. Contrary to the formulation of their doctrine that violates the Incorporeal Nature of GOD. GOD has no limits either in His Power or Presence. As a result, they created another formulation called the Hypostatic Union that states that Jesus is both human and fully divine. It’s implying that their false GOD has a Dual Nature, i.e., the human form as part of the existence of their false GOD. The Dual Nature formulation is very problematic and again violates the Incorporeal Nature of GOD. It is what we are trying to explain in The Right Paradigm of Faith post (discussed in Section 1.12 Unfathomable and Mindset Paradigm of the Free Book Save Our Souls ) that instead of following the Nature of GOD, they turn the paradigm upside down to focus on making a man a GOD, and the rest is cross-fitting on the Nature resulting to the password “Unfathomable” or the “Unfathomable” scapegoat.

Instead of the straightforward Incorporeal Nature of GOD, a lot of formulations were created to support their formulation of making a man a GOD. Which would you prefer, “Nature” or “Formulation”? I chose the Nature of GOD because we do not have to formulate anything. After all, GOD is GOD, as stated in Exodus 3:13-14 Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh (I Am that I Am). Their doctrine bypassed the Oral Torah to proceed with their interpretation, which leads to another formulation and another formulation, and so forth. Can you not see the room for errors in creating formulations after formulations? That kind of approach is not from heaven. If that is from heaven, their doctrine should have synchronized with the Oral Torah in the first place.

In the next post, we will cover the Dual Nature with their false doctrine, in the context of the Incorporeal Nature of GOD. May GOD bless you for having time to read, understand, and accept the Truth that GOD is Incorporeal. For details about the Nature topic, see Section 1.3 Nature of the Almighty GOD, Section 1.4 Nature, Emotions, and Decisions of GOD, Section 1.5 Nature and the Ripple Effect, Section 1.6 Nature and the Levels of Abstraction, Section 1.7 Nature of Man, and the Fault of Man and Hope in the Free Book Save Our Souls .

Thank you for reading this post. May GOD bless you for making that leap to understand the things not explained inside the box of their false doctrine.


  1. https://ahavahpublisher.com/book/ “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”