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In our previous post, we explained that we should not decouple the Oral and Written Torah because the Oral Torah provides the details and case-to-case basis that the Written Torah summarizes (i.e., Oral and Written Torah reveal that GOD is Incorporeal). Since their doctrine only took the Written Torah (Old Testament) and created their formulation called the Hypostatic Union, which sells that their false GOD is both fully human and divine, implying a Dual Nature. It is wrong to have this “Dual Nature” because it creates corruption and impurities, or in other terms, a conflict of interest, that usually comes with their “unfathomable” password/scapegoat.
A True GOD is Incorporeal. GOD is also Pure in all His existence, thus, Perfect and Complete.
What is the ooposite of Incorporeal?
Their doctrine formulated a Hypostatic Union , so what does it mean?
Hypostatic Union (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition p. 882)
Union implies unification as one. What are we unifying? Of course, the first element is Jesus, so what is the other element in this unification? Is it union with the angels? No, because angels can never be of equal level to GOD. Is it the union with the people? No, because people can never be of equal level to GOD. The hint is it speaks of the Son of GOD, so the answer, along with their Catechism under the Trinity doctrine, implies that this union refers to the union of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in their formulation. However, this formulation is highly problematic because its baselining is on the view of the nature of man. Instead of having one unified Nature of GOD, their doctrine introduced a Dual Nature, i.e., having Jesus as a fully divine being and a human being. In other words, their doctrine introduced their false GOD having the Nature of Man and Nature of GOD and still considered as one GOD.
This Dual Nature concept creates loopholes and gray areas in their doctrine. They surpass it by giving a “Pass” word “Unfathomable.” By doing so, people will not continue to investigate deeper and understand things thoroughly because they already branded it as unfathomable. One thing they missed out on is that Science is also a tool to show the truth. I hope they learned the lesson of Galileo Galilei. There is a repeatable process to prove to people that it is not unfathomable, as discussed in posts Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 and Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2 .
In our previous post, we have shown that GOD is Incorporeal. In this post, we will show that their doctrine sells that their false GOD is Corporeal (the opposite of Incorporeal). The scripture below shows that they are teaching that their GOD took the human form (i.e., flesh), i.e., having a physical form.
John 1:14 (NRSCCE)
To further substantiate, in their Catechism, their doctrine admits that Jesus is Corporeal:
Jesus is Corporeal (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition p. 125)
Regardless of whether Jesus was conceived without human seed, still, the outcome of this event is a physical form (i.e., Corporeal), which violates the Incorporeal Nature of GOD. Regardless of whether Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, it does not remove the fact that a human body is formed from dust. Even in their Catechism admits this human form reality:
Jesus was made out of dust (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition p. 92)
Their doctrine claims that Jesus is fully human and their Hypostatic Union claims that Jesus is fully human. If they deny that Jesus was made out of dust, then Jesus is not human at all. A human body has its limits because it was formed from a material that itself has limitations (please do not lie to me that dust has no limitations). What their Hypostatic Union formulation tries to do is to make people accept that being Corporeal is okay as part of the nature of their false GOD. Jesus died because his body reached its limits to sustain life. The body of Jesus reached an incapable state of sustaining life. GOD has no limitations and Incapabilities, so formulating a doctrine that sells that GOD can be both Incorporeal and Corporeal is wrong. Instead of putting the Nature of GOD on top of any religion, they turn the Paradigm upside down and focus on making a man a GOD, and then their doctrine only cross-fit the Nature of GOD according to their formulation as demonstrated in previous posts: Broken Unfathomable 1 and Broken Unfathomable 2 .
Can you not see that we cannot have a Union between an Incorporeal and Corporeal? GOD is Incorporeal, and Jesus is Corporeal. But their Trinity doctrine is formulating a unification of the Three divine beings as One, so they can claim that Jesus is GOD, which is wrong because their false doctrine failed on the Incorporeal Nature of GOD. A True GOD will never have a state or existence with limitations or incapabilities. Forcing to union Incorporeal to that which is Corporeal is corrupting the Nature of GOD, which is what their false doctrine formulates. The Hypostatic Union or its implication of Dual Nature is wrong and it is not unfathomable, as again demonstrated in previous posts: Broken Unfathomable 1 and Broken Unfathomable 2 .
For details about the Nature topic, see Section 1.3 Nature of the Almighty GOD, Section 1.4 Nature, Emotions, and Decisions of GOD, Section 1.5 Nature and the Ripple Effect, Section 1.6 Nature and the Levels of Abstraction, Section 1.7 Nature of Man, and the Fault of Man and Hope in the Free Book Save Our Souls .
In the next post, we will focus on the state and existence in the context of the Incorporeal Nature of GOD. Thank you for reading this post. May GOD bless you for making that leap to understand the things not explained inside the box of their false doctrine.