GOD is Omnipotent 1

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Image created in ComfyUI using epiCRealism XL model under CreativeML OpenRAIL license and video using MiniMax

What is Omnipotence? How does the Nature of GOD guide us to the truth about GOD? Is the Roman Catholic doctrine of a dual nature (having both the nature of GOD and that of a human) valid? Did you know the Roman Catholic Trinity doctrine is merely formulated? Are you curious how the Trinity doctrine and dual nature disregard the Omnipotence of GOD? How does the purity of GOD correlate with Omnipotence? How does the Mary and Jesus picture above depict the opposite of GOD’s Omnipotent Nature? We will answer these questions and explore how their doctrine introduces impurities to the nature of GOD without being noticed by their believers.

Let’s understand first the relevant terms relating to Omnipotence. Click Save Our Souls Chapter 4 1 to directly read it.

Power-is the ability to control people or things; the right or authority of a person or group to do; strength or influence in a particular area of activity.2
Omnipotent-means “having total power; able to do anything.“3 The etymology of the word Omnipotent comes from Latin words where the prefix omni means all and potent means powerful so the whole word means All-Powerful.4
Omnipotence-is the characteristics of having an absolute omnipotent.

We can see that Omnipotence relates to power, the power to control. Control on the side of GOD does not break the concept of Free Will. For example, King Saul disobeyed GOD. GOD did not prevent his Free Will, but GOD controls other areas without violating the Free Will of King Saul. It provides a clear baseline that GOD does not break our Free Will. Anyone sitting in high-stakes positions knows that control is vital. Let us also establish that GOD is always powerful in all cases, in all situations, in all states, in all existence because if any of these is broken, then it is not All-Powerful but becomes Sometimes-Powerful which breaks the Omnipotence of GOD.

Look at the image of Mary carrying Jesus. Can Jesus walk? Can Jesus talk? No! You may laugh because he is a baby and think I did not consider it. I have considered it and thought of it, including their unfathomable scapegoat. However, the equation of their doctrine claims that Jesus is GOD, as formulated in their Trinity doctrine with their Dual Nature. The alibi that Jesus is still a baby is not a valid reason because GOD is always in control, not sometimes, not someday. We also have shown that Jesus is not Omniscient, as discussed in these posts GOD is Omniscient . If they are going to use the alibi of the three personas of the Trinity doctrine, where they would claim that it is the Father persona is the who who plans it all and is Omnipotent, and the Son persona is the one who materializes the plan for salvation, so their GOD remains Omnipotent overall. We’ll not exactly! We should consider the states of each persona. Yes, they can claim that their Father persona is always Omnipotent, and I have no question about the Father persona. The problem is that the Son persona (Jesus) has a state where he is not Omnipotent. A state where he is helpless, incapable of doing things, and relies on others to compensate for his incapabilities as a baby. Now, this state of the Son persona pollutes the record of the Father persona because the three personas in the Trinity doctrine are One GOD, meaning that the incapable state of the Son is also an incapable state of their GOD. This incapability state corrupts the very essence that GOD is Omnipotent, All-Powerful, in all states, and not based on the selected state of their doctrine. See the graph below:

Figure A. Impurities introduced by their Trinity Doctrine
Figure A. Impurities introduced by their Trinity Doctrine

Figure A above shows that GOD’s Omnipotence has a perfect, untainted, unblemished record represented by the Green line. Pushing their dual nature represented by the Purple dashed line will create impurities because tolerating a state where their false GOD (Jesus) is part of the Trinity as One GOD. It is like stating that their false GOD cannot find a way for Salvation where their false GOD keeps his Omnipotent uncorrupted and Purity untainted/unblemished, so we are forced to accept their way to Salvation is through impurity and corruption of the Nature of GOD, hence, their false GOD have no choice, incapable of finding solutions, so he degrade himself and took the human form for Salvation. I do not buy this concept of Salvation because Impurity and Corruption are not the ways of a True GOD. GOD in His Existence is Perfect and Complete and does not need to downgrade into a non-omnipotent form to provide Salvation. The worst part of pushing their Trinity doctrine having a dual nature is that there exists a state where Jesus is not in control, so Mary and Joseph are in control to compensate for his incapabilities and take care of him. In other words, there exists a state where Humans can be in control because their false GOD has an incapable state, and regardless of the Father persona, that incapable state will still exist since the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One GOD in their Trinity doctrine. Do you think that GOD cannot provide you Salvation where His Omnipotence is uncorrupted in any state?

Their narrative for Salvation is that their false GOD from heaven came down to earth and took human form to sacrifice Himself for Salvation, which sounds very noble. Its front cover depicts love, peace, and harmony, but behind the scenes, the back cover reveals the Impurity and Corruption of the Nature of GOD. This narrative is not from GOD because Impurity and Corruption are not the ways of GOD. We can also see that Purity is not a stand-alone Nature, as it correlates with other Natures of GOD, in this case, with the Omnipotence of GOD. We can also observe that others claim their scripture comes from heaven, but those claims become invalid if we apply the Checks and Balances on the Nature of GOD. Before the universe was created, the Nature of GOD already existed because it is part of GOD. Before any religion was organized, the Nature of GOD already existed because it is above any religion. I am highlighting the value of the Nature of GOD, as this will lead us to the Truth and bring us closer to the One True GOD. Learning the Nature of GOD should be the Foundation of our Faith.

GOD is all-powerful in all areas, not in selected areas. There’s NO concept that a GOD has a state incapability because that is a corruption of the Omnipotence of GOD. The Roman Catholic doctrine introduced that state. Jesus, as a baby, was not able to speak; not being able to talk is a physical matter and can never be a symbolic way of interpreting things. It never happened that after birth, Jesus immediately walked and talked, i.e., Jesus has to go through that state of inability and needs a learning curve that takes time. That learning curve violates the Omniscience of GOD because GOD is always all-knowing, not sometimes, not when their doctrine decides to. That state of Incapability and Inability of Jesus will always be present, and we can graph it to show the Impurity and Corruption of the Nature of GOD. Please stop teaching people with blurry, diversion logic like symbolism and another alibi because no matter the scapegoat, that state of Incability and Inability of Jesus will always exist, and no one can erase that from History. Even their New Testament scripture shows this state of Incapability and Inability. Again, we cannot use that Dual Nature that Jesus is still a baby because that is wrong, and do not presume that GOD cannot find a way for Salvation where His Nature as GOD is blemished and corrupted. The existence of GOD is Perfect and Complete and is sufficient to provide us with Salvation, so GOD does not need to downgrade into a lower life human. Do you think that GOD’s existence is insufficient for Salvation, so He has to take a human form? Are degradation, impurity, and corruption of the Nature of GOD the way of a True GOD? No! Their doctrine of Salvation is not the way of a True GOD but of a false one.

When you ask people about the Purity of GOD, the majority answer yes. But when you show them how the Roman Catholic Trinity doctrine creates impurities on the Nature of GOD, even with a “clear” graph that shows that it is not unfathomable as they claim, then that is when they turn their heads and pretend not to see the impurity that their doctrine created and many will play blind about it. I grow up as a Catholic. I’m not your enemy but yourself from avoiding the Truth to stand for the Roman Catholic false doctrines. I’m trying my best to save you from the false doctrine. You may think that standing for the false doctrine will get you to heaven, but Self-denial and living by avoiding the Truth is not the roadmap to heaven but the opposite of heaven. Remember that Impurities and Corruption are not the ways of GOD. The Nature of GOD is not a religion but is above any religion. The Nature of GOD is not Satanism or Terrorism, and some evil people use this deception to make it appear as Satanism or Terrorism to make people avoid a whistleblower like me and not listen to the Truth that I’m sharing with the people to save them. Learning the Nature of GOD is the Solid Foundation for True Faith to the One True GOD.

Even if I’m the only one standing for the Truth regarding the Nature of GOD, that leads me to see the loopholes of the Roman Catholic doctrines and the whole world does not believe in me, it is still the Truth, and the Nature of GOD will continue to exist, I am on the side of GOD to stand for His Nature. Even if the world believes and defends the Roman Catholic false doctrine, in the end, it is still a fallacy even if the whole world is on its side, a lesson from the life of Galileo Galilei and of Noah during the great flood.

May GOD bless you for reading and understanding this post.


  1. “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”, https://ahavahpublisher.com/book/
  2. Joanna Turnbull, ed., Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary,8th ed.(Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 1187.
  3. Joanna Turnbull,ed.,Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th ed.(Oxford,UK:Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 1061.
  4. Omnipotence," Wikipedia (Wikimedia Foundation, n.d.), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnipotence