GOD is Omniscient 2

The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title
The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title

In our previous post, we learned that Omniscience is not only about having all the knowledge, but it includes Wisdom. Does Wisdom only come from knowledge? Can we call it Wisdom if it is used for evil purposes? What is the first step to attain Wisdom? Feel free to read Section 1.2 The Wisdom of GOD in the free book Save Our Souls. Why their Nativity Narrative show the fallacy of their doctrine and misalign with THe Right Paradigm of Faith? We will examine why Wisdom, the keywords Absolute and All, and the State of Existence correlate with Omniscience and other Nature of GOD.

The story of the Wisdom of King Solomon in 1 Kings 3:16-28 reflects his Knowledge and leads to Wisdom. How did King Solomon learn this Knowledge that would translate to Wisdom? The answer is that Wisdom does not only come from Knowledge, but another key element is Experience. Knowing how to apply that Knowledge in the best way is called Wisdom. is correct, and in this post, we will include it in our equation that Knowledge also comes from Experience. Experience gives us additional inputs that sometimes Knowledge does not. In job hiring, companies not only seek a candidate with the necessary Knowledge and Technical skills but also consider the Experience. If we have the Knowledge and Experience but use it for evil purposes, can we call it Wisdom? It is not Wisdom, but it is called Wickedness. We can now see that Omniscience correlates to Omnibenevelonce, which supports my synthesis that many of the Nature of GOD have a correlation to each other. GOD is Omnibenevolent, reflecting that GOD is All Good. Notice how the All keyword applies to both Omniscience and Omnibenevolence. Wisdom can only come from goodness, and it comes from GOD. If Wisdom comes from GOD, so how can we attain it? The Bible verses Proverbs 9:10 and Psalm 86:11 teach us that Reverence for GOD is the first step of Wisdom and Wisdom will guide us to the Truth, as reflected in the good intention of King Solomon in 1 Kings 3:9. GOD is the only Omniscient being and all Wisdom comes from Him. Now let us examine the Nativity Narrative and see if it fits with the True Omniscient Nature of GOD.

Nativity Narrative created by DALL-E AI
Nativity Narrative created by DALL-E AI

The Nativity image reflects Jesus’ incapabilities and lack of knowledge (i.e., unable to speak verbal language, talk, or walk). Of course, they would argue that Jesus is still a baby, i.e., in his human form as depicted in their Dual Nature Formulation. Regardless if they use the Nature of Man as an alibi, that is still a state of not being Omniscient. Even if they use their Trinity formulation that GOD in heaven is Omniscient and Jesus on earth is not Omniscient, still Omniscient and Not Omniscient are opposite and would create impurities on the Nature of GOD, Who is Omniscient Always and not sometimes or in some state. If their false GOD, named Jesus, lacks omniscience, then Jesus’ omniscience is not absolute, which implies an area of incompleteness and suggests the imperfection of Jesus. GOD is Perfect, so the Omniscience of GOD is Absolute, not half-baked, as their Dual Nature uses the Nature of Man as an alibi to excuse Jesus from being subjected to the True Nature of GOD. You cannot make that alibi that Jesus is in baby form because GOD can even make a donkey speak, as shown in Numbers 22:28-30. If they would lie and make a notion that Jesus is Omniscient, then according to this notion, it would make Jesus deceived Mary, Joseph, the 3 Kings, and the Shepherds because if Jesus is Omniscient, he would have spoken any language regardless of he is still in baby form.

Hypostatic Union (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition)

(Page 125) From the first formulations of her faith, the Church has confessed that Jesus was conceived solely by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, affirming also the corporeal aspect of this event: Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit without human seed. (Page 882) The union of the divine and human natures in the one divine Person (Greek: Hypostasis) of the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ.

Having the Nature of GOD as our context, being Divine means being Omniscient, for GOD is the only Omniscient being. Yet, look at their Hypostatic Union, claiming the union of being divine and human nature in the person of Jesus. The Nature of Man (i.e., Human Nature) can never be Omniscient, and they would probably argue with it because they might probably think that being Omniscient can be sometimes or somewhere for them. A True GOD is always Omniscient, not sometimes or applicable somewhere else. Jesus has a state where he is not omniscient. Having incapabilities would translate to not being Omniscient because if Jesus is omniscient, he would know how to overcome the incapabilities of speaking any language. Incapabilities would still translate to not being Omniscient. Their Hypostatic Union claim is a fallacy because divine (being Omniscient) and human nature (not being Omniscient), i.e., having a union of Omniscient and Not Omniscient would result in Impurities.

Trinity Doctrine (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2nd Edition, pp. 51-70)

Their syntheses represent the three distinct divine persons: the Father (Who is in Heaven), the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Each is the god of the same essence or nature, complete and whole in unity as One god. Jesus is the Son begotten by the Father and the Holy Spirit who proceeds, called the Trinity Doctrine, to show that everything comes from the Father via the Son and the Holy Spirit, each person is distinct from the other and is considered consubstantial, coequal, and coeternal.

Even in their Trinity doctrine that claims that three divine persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are coequal and consubstantial because their point of view is the source, i.e., coming from the Father, does not make the Son Omniscient. If your parents are bad people, it does not imply that their sons or daughters are automatically bad. Likewise, if the Father is Omniscient, it does not imply that Jesus is Omniscient because Jesus has that state of not being Omniscient, a state of incapabilities resulting in not knowing how to walk or talk. The Father in heaven is Omniscient. The Son on earth, namely Jesus, is not Omniscient. Omniscient and Not Omniscient are not coequal and not consubstantial. Look at how they ignore the Nature of Man and just focus on having a Union, but this Union creates Impurities on the Nature of GOD and ignores this aspect to push their false doctrines and formulations.

GOD cannot have a state of not being omniscient or any existence not being omniscient because it will cause a Ripple Effect on His Nature as GOD, as discussed in The Ripple Effect post. GOD is Omniscient in All His States and Existence because GOD is Absolute, thus Perfect and Complete. Their doctrine creates Double Standards with their Dual Nature, Hypostatic Union, and Trinity formulations that lead to the Impurities and Corruption of the Nature of GOD. The solution for Salvation that revolves around Impurities and Corruption on the Nature of GOD, through their doctrine of making Jesus GOD, is not the way of a True GOD but of a Roman Catholic false doctrine. We can see why their doctrine focuses only on the Corporeal Jesus and keeps people away from the Truth that GOD is Incorporeal, as discussed in GOD is Incorporeal 1, GOD is Incorporeal 2 GOD is Incorporeal 3, and GOD is Incorporeal 4. They also cannot use the password “unfathomable” because it is broken as discussed in Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 and Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2.

God is Omniscient in all His States and Existence because GOD is Absolute and Perfect. We can see that many aspects of God’s Nature correlate with and affect each other. This Correlation is ignored in their false doctrine, leaving them unable to explain their formulation and forcing them to use the unfathomable as an excuse or scapegoat. Again, the Truth above is easy to understand, but why do many avoid the Truth explained above and pretend to live the false doctrine as the Truth? Are they on the side of GOD or the side of the false doctrine? Is their doctrine unfathomable in terms of the Omniscience of GOD? Why GOD will never have that State of Incompleteness? Is Human Nature valid reason to stain the Omniscience of GOD? And these questions, we will cover in the next post. Remember that GOD is Omniscient in All States and Existence because GOD is Perfect and Complete, not when their doctrine decides on which state their false GOD becomes omniscient, not when their doctrine decides when their false GOD becomes omniscient at their picking according to their formulations.

Do you have Faith in GOD that He can provide Salvation where He maintains His Purity and Omniscience in All His States and Existence?


  1. https://ahavahpublisher.com/book/ “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”
  2. https://www.usccb.org/sites/default/files/flipbooks/catechism/ “Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, 2019”