Prioritize GOD Above All

Abraham sacrificing his most precious to GOD image by DALL-E AI
Abraham sacrificing his most precious to GOD image by DALL-E AI

One area of deviation strategy that they are pushing hard is to find a jpb. Please look at what is happening in our world. Why I prioritize GOD over myself and my career? Why I prioritize the welfare of others over my welfare? Does anyone want to take that job where many people hate you for thinking of their welfare? Does anyone want to take that job where you slam your head against the big wall of false doctrine? If nobody wants to, who will? Is prioritizing GOD an issue? Who would have built an Ark (ship) if Noah had listened to people to find a job rather than constructing a boat that they found ridiculous?

I have inserted this post because a lot of people push me to find a job where I already have a job (i.e., whistleblowing to bring the people to GOD, to share the light with others to save them from the false doctrine, to establish the platform of Learning the Nature of GOD as the Strong Foundation of Faith). Many of them keep pushing their reality that we need money to live in this world, so in their concept of reality, we must find a job to earn money. They sell that ideology of materialistic mindset that we must have a job and earn money and call it a reality. How about the picture below? Is it just an imagination? How about the reality of the image below, i.e., living without money? Is it not a reality? Are we imagining such a reality where money is not everything?.

Monk receiving blessings from people image generated by DALL-E AI
Monk receiving blessings from people image generated by DALL-E AI

The above shows that it is possible to live for a purpose without being a slave to money. The mentality of some people (again, not all because some are not materialistic) living in the false doctrine pushes their ideology to me to find a job and earn money, then instruct me to go back to the matters of GOD once I have the money to sustain myself. It is wrong! What they do not understand is that they are prioritizing their existence over GOD. They make GOD secondary, and it is very wrong! I chose to prioritize GOD above all, even above my existence, and they do not understand that. After reading this article, some might ask: why don’t you apply for a monk? I am for Judaism, and my goals are for our GOD in Judaism. I only highlighted the good value that a monk possesses (i.e., money and materials are not everything), which is opposite to that “wrong mentality” where they tied up their existence to money and finding jobs as the only reality to live in this world. It is a very wrong mentality.

The image of this post shows Abraham giving up his most precious son, Isaac, as reflected in Genesis 22. If you lived at the time of Abraham, would you scold Abraham about his responsibility to his son? Would you slam the concept of responsibility to Abraham for things that you don’t understand about prioritizing GOD? As a whistleblower, a son can be used to deviate me from telling the truth about the false doctrine. Parents can be a utility to stop me from whistleblowing. Friends can be a tool to deviate me from exposing the false doctrine of their church. Relatives can be a medium to deter me from saving good-hearted people from the false doctrine. Should I prioritize them over GOD? In Exodus 20:2–17, The Ten Commandments, the First and Top commandment is for GOD. GOD must be our first and top priority. Aside from that, we are at the stage in human history where the prophecies are getting fulfilled, and time is short to save good-hearted people. I do not have the power to control time, but my time and effort are what I can control and use to save good-hearted people. I must sacrifice my career to focus on sharing the light with others, for time is short. If GOD will give me a sheep (metaphor) as a replacement, then that is just secondary, the primary is to prioritize GOD. GOD does not abandon those who prioritize GOD above All. See the diagram below.

Diagram A. Blessings flow from GOD
Diagram A. Blessings flow from GOD

Give readily and have no regrets when you do so, for in return your God יהוה will bless you in all your efforts and in all your undertakings.

GOD also considers the poor, as reflected in Mishneh Torah, Gifts to the Poor 7. GOD does not abandon those who seek and prioritize Him. The problem now is when we speak of the truth (especially those impacting their false doctrine), some defend their false doctrine and do their evil ways to stop the whistleblowers from exposing the truth. They take control over the whistleblowers by depriving them of the blessings they need, as shown in the image below.

Diagram B. Intercepting the blessings from GOD
Diagram B. Intercepting the blessings from GOD

As a whistleblower, I can see how they play dirty behind the scenes. They demonize the whistleblowers like me who speak against their false doctrine. They poisoned the minds of channels with their false accusations like satanic, demonic, terrorism, and other false allegations to keep people away from me. Even if they did not show themselves in the front line, the footprints they left, the behavioral patterns of those people, their influence is so transparent. Some people even denied the influence. What about the indoctrination of their false doctrine that makes people judgemental and close-minded? Would they still deny that it affects their behavior and decision-making? They become wrongly self-righteous people to close their minds within the box of the false doctrine. That was the mistake of the people at the time of Galileo, i.e., they stuck their minds within the box of the false doctrine, and metaphorically speaking, they avoided reading about the diameter, radius, and circumference. If they had not closed their mind and gone out of the box to try and understand what the whistleblower was trying to give them (i.e., the truth), they would have known that if they went out of the box of their doctrine, then they will see that the world is round (i.e., not geo-static, not geo-centric). But this lesson is never learned for those who stand by the false doctrine. They only accept the information that the world is round, but their mentality remains stuck within the box of the false doctrine. As I whistleblow to save the good-hearted people, I see that history repeats itself, the lesson from the time of Galileo is never learned for many people under that false doctrine.

I have also tried changing my hat from a whistleblower to organizing a non-profit organization founder. But even putting down my hat as a whistleblower, they even squeeze me and burn the bridges so that the blessings of GOD will not reach my end. What they are up to is Control. They want to control the whistleblowers to continue to raise the flag of their false doctrine. Why can’t they examine what is wrong with their false doctrine and stop doing evil behind the scenes, like using people to do black propaganda against me? To do character assassination to steer people away from me. I understand their dirty games played behind the scenes to make me appear as a bad person, law-breaking, and other evil deceptions they do to deceive people. It’s all part of their Deception Strategy to make whistleblowers look bad so that people will not listen to whistleblowers.

Of course, they will do actions to cover up their evil playbook, like making small donations to counter this post, to deceive people, and to pretend that they have not poisoned the channels. It is like patching up or offsetting the reality to cover up their evil ways. (To be fair, there are good people who have less, but gave what they can afford to help) If only you were a whistleblower, you could see the trend that as you increase the truth and expose more of their false doctrine, the fewer channels and bridges you have, the fewer blessings you receive. It is Inversely Proportional in terms of the blessings you receive. In terms of control, the more truth you reveal about their false doctrine, the more they will control you, the channels, and bridges, so it is Directly Proportional in terms of control. My reflection on the concept of controlling the whistleblowers is that when they controlled Galileo Galilei and happily proclaimed that their doctrine was the one that succeeded in their time, thus imprisoning Galileo, and had total control even to the point that Galileo died, having total control of the whistleblower does not change the truth that the world round and not flat. Even if Galileo died, the truth will come out.

Similar to Galileo, my truth is about Learning the Nature of GOD as the Foundation of our Faith that leads to the Love of GOD. It is simple: how can you love GOD if you don’t know what GOD is and rely on what is being fed by the false doctrine? We must understand and learn the Nature of GOD because it serves as an armor and shield against false doctrine. By learning the Nature of GOD, I saw the loopholes in the Roman Catholic Doctrine, even with their unfathomable scapegoat. Learning and Understanding the Nature of GOD is the first step to Loving GOD. Even if they control me for whistleblowing against their false doctrine, I know the truth will come out because the Nature of GOD existed even before any religion started. Even if I die in deprivation of resources, I know GOD will provide me justice and I pray that GOD will take me with Him on His side, on the day of His wrath against those evil people.

I again respectfully call the Israel Rabbinic Authority and Government to please help convert to Orthodox Judaism. I already asked for help from the local government, but clearly, they cannot do anything to help because of the separation of church and state. Israel is a Jewish state, so it may be easier to help someone become a Jew. Please help me convert to Orthodox Judaism to become a Jew, a light to people and nations. If I die of hunger, it is not suicide because I have done my best to stay alive and beg people for food. I hope eating up my ego and pride would make my stomach full, but it does not. I’ve asked people for help, and it even got me sick from waiting at the gate soaked in rain. All my savings got depleted for devoting myself to conversion to Judaism. I went to Israel to show my sincerity for conversion. The lady officer at the Ben Gurion airport checked my laptop, and she asked: “What do you intend to do next?” I replied: “I’ll study Torah/Tanakh,” and I have proof of my word to her (Please send her a copy of my book Save Our Souls ). I could have learned more if given a chance at that time, and even my book missed an important Nature of GOD, i.e., Incorporeal. I could have known it better if given a chance to stay and study in Israel. I could have become a better person than what I am now. If I die, please allow my body to be buried as a Jew in Jerusalem, Israel. I do not wish to die because no whistleblower whistleblows beyond the grave. Whistleblowers should stay alive to share the truth and to give light to people and nations.


  1. “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”