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Understanding the Truth concerning the Roman Catholic false doctrines is not difficult to comprehend, as shown in the post The Wrong Paradigm of Faith. Truth is easy if we listen with an open mind. What is difficult for others is Accepting the Truth. Avoidance Strategy 1 post also provides examples of this external influence that makes us close-minded. Aside from external, several internal factors influence a person to avoid the Truth and do self-denial to keep their trust in their false doctrine. Black Propagandas are also used to make people avoid listening to the Truth that whistleblowers deliver. Let us explore factors and tactics used for their Avoidance Strategy.
I’m speaking in a soft tone because the text, in terms of tone, can sometimes be misinterpreted, so it is wise first to express this topic with good intent. I have observed this Avoidance Strategy in behavior with the good, the bad, the haters, or other types of people. If the approach is to ask them: Is it right that the Nature of Man dominates over the Nature of GOD for the name of Salvation? Their typical response is “No” followed by a justification that GOD is always above all. But when you explain to them that it is the architecture of the Roman Catholic Doctrine to have the Nature of Man dominant over the Nature of GOD, then the avoidance starts. Here is a concrete example. Jesus, as a baby, has a state of not being omniscient, unable to walk or talk, but the Nature of GOD is to be always Omniscient, always all-knowing, not sometimes. From here we have two paths: 1. To Stand on the Nature of GOD that He is always Omniscient. 2. To Stand on the Narrative of the Roman Catholic Doctrine for Salvation and have the Omniscience of GOD be tainted. In my experience, many of them would ignore that GOD is always Omniscient and would avoid the Truth that GOD is always all-knowing. They would rather have the Nature of Man (not Omniscient) dominant over the Nature of GOD (always Omniscient).
The indoctrination of their false doctrine kicks in because many of them prefer that the Nature of Man be dominant over the Nature of GOD, for that is the Narrative to have their false GOD take the human form a Sacrifice for Salvation. GOD cannot have a state where he is incomplete, unable to talk or walk. GOD cannot have any state where he has incapabilities or inabilities. But you can see, the mind of those indoctrinated will prefer to blemish the Nature of GOD injecting states where it creates impurities on the Nature of GOD, and call this injecting of impurities in their Hyperstatic Union implying dual nature. GOD cannot have a Dual Nature because that is having a Double Standards. GOD does not have a state where he is not omniscient because that union will introduce impurities on GOD and His Nature. GOD has a perfect record of being Omniscient, but the minds of those indoctrinated by their doctrine allow the record of GOD to be tainted of not being Omniscient. Why would they presume that GOD cannot find a way where His Nature as GOD is dominant over the Nature of Man? Why would they assume that GOD cannot find a way for Salvation where He is always Pure and His Nature as GOD has Purity? But the psychology of some would avoid standing for the Nature of GOD because their minds got locked up on the fake Salvation where it presumes that GOD cannot find a way where His Nature as GOD dominates over the Nature of Man. And when I try to tell them that GOD can find a way for Salvation where His Nature as GOD is above All and GOD is Pure in all his states and existence, then the avoidance behavior shows. They then avoid listening to the Truth that GOD is always Pure. They avoid listening to the Truth that GOD is always Omniscient because they prefer to have a GOD who has a state of not being Omniscient as dictated in their Narrative for Salvation and then close their minds without considering that their equation where the Nature of Man dominates over the Nature of GOD as their formula for Salvation is very wrong, unethical and no respect for GOD and His Nature. Please review the difference below:
It is the Ignore The Logic Tactic they used, which is part of the Avoidance Strategy. They avoid the logic that “Truly” stands for GOD because their minds are fixed on standing on the Narrative of their doctrines and assume that it is the Golden Standard. Another example that is easy to understand is that GOD has no limitations or any form of incapabilities or inabilities. Death is a state where a body is incapable of sustaining life. But they use Ignore The Logic tactic to avoid the truth that GOD has no incapabilities because, for them, Jesus’ Death is the way to Salvation, but for what, corrupting the Omnipotent Nature of GOD? For what, creating impurities on the Nature of GOD by having a double standard where their false GOD can either be incapable or capable at the definition of their doctrine, at the decision of their formulation? GOD is always Omnipotent, and they put a blemish on GOD by having the Perfect Record of GOD being always Omnipotent tainted with a record of Incapabilities or Inabilities to attain their fake Salvation. When I explain to them that GOD is always Omnipotent and that GOD can provide Salvation, where He is Always Omniscient and Pure in all states and existence, most of them avoid listening and ignore the reason behind it. Many become irrational and unreasonable because they lose the ability to listen and understand and prefer to use their Avoidance Strategy, specifically the Ignore Logic Tactic. They should not be angry, for I’m just describing their behavior and not generalizing because few know how to listen and keep their opinions to themselves. I hope these few stand for the Truth that GOD can provide Salvation where His Nature as GOD is the key to Salvation, which is opposite to the Roman Catholic Doctrine where the Nature of Man dominates over the Nature of GOD because their formulation is that the Nature of Man provides the key to Salvation as a Sacrifice but creates impurities on the Nature of GOD.
Another tactic used is the Golden Standard Tactic. Their doctrine would impose that their formulation comes from heaven because Peter holds the keys to the gates of heaven, thinking that their formulation has blessings from heaven, allowing them to impose their formulation as the Golden Standard. Of course, not all of them are close-minded, like those good theologians and other scholars, but they are only victims, for what they study is within the scope of the Narrative of the Roman Catholic Doctrine. Maybe some of them who read this and learn the perspective on the Nature of GOD, I hope that it will give them light to see the Truth that the Roman Catholic doctrine and formulation for Salvation is a fallacy. However, not all are open-minded. In my experience, many close their minds because they already set their minds that the Roman Catholic doctrine they stand for is the Golden Standard and avoid listening and understanding the arguments that show the loopholes of their doctrines (perhaps the Protestants can relate to this). With this mindset, they avoid listening to the Truth, ignoring the logic of why their doctrines and formulations have loopholes. Again, we are not generalizing the whole church because there are individuals, organizations, or denominations who know how to listen and are not close-minded. Perhaps this perspective on the Nature of GOD is something not yet known to them, and I hope my effort helps them see the Truth, for my intention is good and sincere.
We can see that the Truth that GOD is Omniscient always and that there is no such state where GOD has a state of not being Omniscient because it create impurities on GOD and His Nature, and that GOD can provide Salvation where His Nature as GOD dominates over all creations and no doctrine or formulation dictates when GOD becomes Omniscient. This Truth is easy to understand and is not unfathomable, as discussed in Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 and Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2. The real issue is the Acceptance of the Truth because many avoid understanding the logic, become irrational and unreasonable, and do self-denial to avoid the Truth, as evident in the time of Galileo Galileo, and that issue of Accepting the Truth remains that leads to their Avoidance Strategy. In the next post, Avoidance Strategy 3 , we will discuss more tactics under their Avoidance Strategy.
May GOD bless you for not being close-minded, not biased, and for reading this post.