The Avoidance Strategy 3

Galileo showed the Truth but many are avoiding it. Image by DALL-E AI
Galileo showed the Truth but many are avoiding it. Image by DALL-E AI

Another tactic is to use Faith as a scapegoat when someone reaches a point where they are unable to defend the error of their religion and raise the flag that no one can change because that is their Faith to avoid confronting the Truth that their religion is erroneous in terms of their Faith, hence, Faith Scapegoat Tactic as part of their Avoidance Strategy. Everyone is entitled to their Faith, but the question is, is it just a Preference, Blind Faith, or True Faith? We all have Free Will, but does entitlement and Free Will imply that theirs is the True Faith? Is Preference and Faith the same? Let us explore these under our Avoidance Strategy topic.

I authored a book, blog, and lectures because this is a peaceful way to share the Truth with the people. If people ignore the book of Heliocentrism, then the book will not force anyone and respect Free Will. It is crucial to understand that respecting Free Will does not imply that we stay silent regarding the Truth and the fallacy of their doctrine. Respecting Free Will means we exert our best to share the Truth with the people, making an effort for them to see the Truth peacefully, and if still they do not listen, then let it be their Free Will, in the end they will answer for it. Respecting Free Will does not mean we bend over their fallacy, but we tell them what is wrong so they can understand what to amend on their side to align with the Truth and not avoid it. Debating and expressing the Truth does not imply forcing others to believe in what we stand for, but it is a situation where we expose the fallacy of their doctrine. We do it peacefully and when we exert all our effort to save them from the false doctrine, and still stand for their fallacy, they let it be their Free Will because, in the end, they will be the ones who will answer for the fallacy that they stand for.

Others may perceive me as weak for respecting Free Will, but let us examine the lessons from the Bible. If social media had existed during Noah’s time, how many subscribers would Noah have had? If it had been available in Sodom and Gomorrah, how many followers would Lot have had? Did the angels in Sodom and Gomorrah force the people’s decisions, or did they respect their Free Will? The numbers do not matter because what truly matters is the Truth. Numbers only reflect the state of the environment, and when the right time comes, I can pray and submit to GOD, acknowledging that this is the environment deserving of His wrath. GOD is righteous in His Wrath, and what they perceive as weakness and useless, I see as strength.

What is Faith Scapegoat Tactic under the Avoidance Strategy? It is a tactic used when we have proven that their doctrine is a fallacy, where instead of confronting and accepting the truth, they use faith as a scapegoat, claiming that no one can dictate their Faith, ignoring logic, and still believing that their doctrine is correct despite undeniable proof of its errors. Below is the flow:

Figure A. Intentional Infinite Loop
Figure A. Intentional Infinite Loop

Let me first share my experience with the good people. The Wrong Paradigm of Faith and Avoidance Strategy 2 posts explain the errors with the Double Standards of the Dual Nature in their Hypostatic Union and Trinity because it introduces impurities on the Nature of GOD. Again, Jesus is not Omniscient. A True GOD is always Omniscient. They would reason using the Trinity and explain it to me as if I did not know about the Trinity Doctrine. I studied the Trinity Doctrine and saw its errors, so they do not need to explain or introduce it to me. I’m trying to save them on areas their false doctrine won’t explain. They will explain it using their Trinity Doctrine, where you have the Father who is always Omniscient but does not make the Son (Jesus) always Omniscient. The Son Jesus came down from heaven to earth to provide Salvation, but the point that they do not see is that their narrative does not look at the side of GOD that He can give Salvation without corrupting His Nature as GOD by taking the Human Form. Upon objecting that Jesus does not know how to speak, they respond that Jesus is still a baby, but that is not a valid reason because their doctrine is tainting the Perfect Record of GOD, Who is always Omniscient. Their doctrine is making the Nature of Man (not Omniscient) dominate over the Nature of GOD (who is always Omniscient), which is wrong because it presumes that GOD cannot find a way to provide Salvation where His Nature as GOD is above all and is capable of giving Salvation with Purity. The mindset of the people stands on the narrative of the doctrine without thinking of the side of GOD and His Nature because that is the presumption of their false doctrine that their false GOD decides to take human form for Salvation. However, their concept of Salvation involves impurities and corruption affecting the Nature of GOD, and Impurities and Corruption are not the way of a True GOD. Their doctrine hides behind the words “Sacrifice” and “Salvation” without considering the Ripple Effect it will cause on the Nature of GOD. The Perfect Omniscience of the Father does not make the Omiscience of the Son Perfect. It is the opposite because the record of the Son (Jesus) creates impurities in the record of the Father, for the record of Jesus is considered a record of GOD, for the three persons in the Trinity Doctrine are One GOD. They should put GOD and His Nature above doctrines, religion, or narrative. Their doctrine pushes that it is only through the Nature of Man to achieve Salvation, so their false GOD has to take a Human Form is wrong because it implies that their false GOD cannot provide Salvation where His Nature as GOD dominates over the Nature of Man and cannot maintain the Purity of their false GOD in all existence.

The problem is when they realize my point is right and see the error of their doctrine that undermines the ability of GOD to provide Salvation where His Nature as GOD dominates over the Nature of Man and GOD is capable of giving Salvation with Purity in all states and existence, that is when they raise their Faith scapegoat tactic. Please do not get me wrong, I’m not saying that they are bad people when they do this, some will have to go through that Denial Stage before accepting the Truth. We can see that in Figure A. Intentional Infinite Loop, we share the Truth, and instead of acceptance, they avoid the Truth ignoring the errors of their doctrine as reflected in The Santa Claus Effect still thinking that their doctrine is the heavenly one. Others would ignore my point because they consider their doctrine the Golden Standard so they close their minds no matter how clear the proof I’ve shown. You may notice in many religious debates, some would think that this kind of debate would never end that is because the one defending the Roman Catholic doctrine will never accept but avoid the Truth of the fallacy of their doctrine so their debate will stay in an infinite loop. Perhaps, the Protestants and other religious denominations can relate to my experience to the above loop. When they lose in the argument, they raise the Flag stating that no one can decide for them because that is their Faith. We are not dictating or demanding their Faith, we are only telling them that their, so-called Faith, is erroneous. As a whistleblower, I have experienced, a lot with different types of people, who avoid the error by raising their entitlement of their Faith. They use Faith as part of their Avoidance Strategy. Note that we are only tackling the Omniscient Nature of GOD in this post. Soon, you will see that it is a repeating behavior or a behavioral pattern of avoidance when they see the error of their doctrine, concerning the other Natures of GOD (Purity, Incorporeal, Omnipotence, Omnibenevolence, Omnipresence, etc.) by raising the Flag not to argue with them because they are entitled to their Faith.

Imagine when someone creates a religion where their doctrine dictates that their False GOD does not have any power, no abilities, and cannot save anyone. You know the Nature of GOD is powerful, so you argue with them that a True GOD is powerful, and they would raise the Flag of Entitlement of their Faith. Are you demanding Faith to them? No. Are you forcing Faith on them? No. What you are doing is simply telling them the errors of their religion and their doctrine because you know that the Nature of GOD is that He is always Omnipotent. We can see that everyone is entitled to his Faith, but Faith itself is not your ownership. Yes, you have internal ownership of what Faith you stand for, but the type of Faith is external to anyone. You do not decide that GOD is Omnipotent. This topic of Faith and Entitlement deserves a separate post Faith or Preference, and we will add it to our future post. In the above scenario, it is wrong to raise the Flag of Entitlement to their Faith because they are closing their minds and avoiding the Truth. On our part, it is crucial to respect their Free Will in a Peaceful Matter through books, blogging, vlogging, or positive and constructive conversation. The question now is, Can we call their avoidance of the Truth, as Faith? Or is it only a Preference? The short answer is that it is called Blind Faith. Their Avoidance Strategy lacks credibility because they believe in what their religion feeds to them without aligning with the Nature of GOD. That is why it is Crucial to know the Nature of GOD because it provides the Right Foundation of Faith. Their Avoidance Strategy reflects a naive belief rooted in innocence or lack of understanding. For some, wrongly trusting in false doctrine, as if it is the Golden Standard, without seeking personal understanding, avoids the Truth by ignoring the right reason and evidence. Their Avoidance Strategy leads to Blind Faith, and Blind Faith is not Faith but a Preference.

Aside from Individual Self-Denial in accepting the Truth, other tactics in their Avoidance Strategy pushed on the people include accusing the whistleblower of satanism, terrorism, dramatic, close-minded, anti-christ, anti-christian, anti-catholic, etc., to deter people from hearing the Truth from whistleblowers. They character assassinate the whistleblower to make people stay away from the whistleblower, as their evil way of keeping people away from the Truth of the fallacy of their doctrines. See Their evil ways listing for details. If the people defending your religion are telling you to close your mind and avoid listening for it is satanic, demonic, etc, how will you know that what they want you to avoid is what the message is? Let me give you a concrete example: I’m standing for the Nature of GOD because it is part of GOD and is the Right Foundation of Faith, but they poison the people not to listen because some put the presumption to people that it is terrorism. Nature of GOD is Part of GOD and is Not terrorism, and I am Not a Terrorist because I stand for Judaism, which reflects the Nature of GOD. In Job 1-42, GOD listened to Job for his arguments, considering that GOD is Perfect, showing us that we should not be close-minded, specifically when dealing with doctrines. If they train you not to listen and close your mind, it shows something wrong in their doctrine that they do not want you to know, implementing their Avoidance Strategy and making you a blind follower, giving you Blind Faith.

We respect Free Will and pray for good people to keep an open mind and finally accept the Truth of the Fallacy of the Roman Catholic Doctrines. May GOD bless you for not being close-minded, not biased, and for reading this post.


  1. “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”