The Box Effect

Galileo, Copernicus and the Box created by DALL-E AI
Galileo, Copernicus and the Box created by DALL-E AI

When an empire is dying, what is the best way to retain control of the people without having a military force? The Roman Empire retained control over the people globally. How did they control people without imposing force? What is the role of a Religion? What is the role of a Doctrine? What is the impact of Science in dealing with the Truth against a false doctrine? Can we discredit Science in exposing the Truth against a false doctrine? We will uncover the past and present mindsets of faith. Let us see if there’s any difference in facing the truth from Copernicus, Galileo, and their box of doctrine.

From our previous posts, we gave the truth to our readers, but do all people balance to listen to both sides? The hard reality is it is not enough to deliver the truth. It is not just about providing the truth. We must also examine other factors, like the case-to-case psychology and mindset that make people close-minded and biased.

Nicolaus Copernicus uncovered Heliocentrism, i.e., the sun stays in its position, and the other objects rotate around it. It directly contradicts the interpretation of the Roman Catholic doctrine using the Old and New Testaments. Clearly, the mindset at the time (from the point of view of the Roman Catholic doctrine) was not that critical of those who contradict their doctrine. The Roman Catholic church did not persecute Copernicus.

At the time of Galileo Galilei , along with the Roman Catholic Inquisition, he lived during a more politically charged time when the church was more defensive, leading to his unjust persecution. Many innocent Jews and Gentiles died in the hands of the Roman Catholic Inquisition (but we will not cover that because it is not the subject of this post). The same Truth that Copernicus and Galileo stood for, but the issue is the difference in the mindset at that time.

The problem at the time of Galileo was the mindset of the people was greatly influenced and constricted due to the implementation of the Roman Catholic Inquisition. The Roman Catholic Inquisition (Congregation of the Holy Office) was officially established in 1542 by Pope Paul III intended to address heresy and enforce the Church’s doctrinal positions. It became known for prosecuting individuals whose views were contrary to Church teachings. Galileo is just one of the victims.

Applying what they have learned from the Inquisition, they retain the evil way of manipulating people, the evil psychological attacks, indoctrination, the upside-down cross tactic, etc. Do you think they would admit that upfront? Of course not, but whistleblowers like me can see behind the scenes their dirty games, demonizing the whistleblowers (e.g., using the Old and New Testament to persecute Galileo as a Heretic). In my personal experience, they demonize me by manipulating people for them to stay away from me. I do not need to see them doing the act because the behavioral footprint is visible in my community (but not all), my relatives (but not all), and my family. Again, they can deny that and wash their hands, but they are only fooling themselves as heavenly acts raising and using the banner of Jesus, but their march is heading to hell (metaphor). Will they deny that no one influenced them? How about the false doctrine that got them indoctrinated to behave in such a way?

Examining the behavioral aspect of those who defended the Roman Catholic doctrine, they are the type who see their doctrine as the “Golden Standard” and prefer to stay inside the box of their doctrine. That is why you can see in their behavior that they are the close-minded type in the context of the doctrine. One of the evil tactics they use is to demonize the whistleblower. Once they have done that, they do not need to manually control the people as they will wrongly stay away from the whistleblower, thinking as if it is the right thing to do but are “actually” doing the wrong thing, wrongly judging the whistleblower because they are fooled by those who defend the false doctrine. It is one of their evil backflipping strategies, i.e., while they do evil and lie, they make those who contradict their doctrine look evil. An Upside-down Cross Tactic under their Deception Strategy that makes people stay inside the box. We are not generalizing because some of them go out of the church because they have seen this wrong way.

It is hard for me to say, but it is a reality that some are simply arrogant to think that their doctrine is God’s given, so there’s no mistake so they behave they won’t listen to reason, they close their mind. As such, what can we learn from the case of Galileo and Copernicus? It is not correct and inappropriate to intentionally stick our minds within the box of their doctrine. We must learn how to listen both inside and outside the box. If they go out of the box, they will see the truth that the earth is round and not flat (i.e., not geo-static and not geo-centric) .But the problem with their indoctrination is whatever is outside their doctrine, they trained people to take it negatively e.g., satanic, demonic etc., (i.e., in my personal experience since childhood, maybe it is different for other places). As a result of this indoctrination, many people stay inside and lose the ability to see and think outside the box. They must not forget that the world does not turn based on their doctrine. A hard lesson that should have been learned by now, but the problem is how they set the mindset of people to stick inside the box. You will never see that the world is round if you stick your mind within the box of their doctrine. They will proclaim that they accepted the truth that Galileo paid with his life, but in reality, they only accept the information, but the mindset is still the same, stuck within the box of their doctrine.

Within the box of their doctrine, they happily praise and worship but are blinded by the doctrine and are unable to see the truth. If only they listened to the whistleblowers (Galileo, Copernicus as I do now), they would have uncovered the truth. I feel sorry for those truly innocent ones who did not have the correct information, those innocent and not close-minded, for they still have hope, and those who are not arrogant because they still have hope. While there is time, even though that time is short, I will strive to help the Christians see the truth in those areas where the doctrine blinds them. Of course, the probability of being assassinated is very high, but if they kill me, note that G-D created the universe, the sun is just a single period in our galaxy, our earth is just a period in our solar system, G-D can provide what they have taken from me and those innocent Christians who are just victims of the false doctrine are worth saving.

Sadly, a lot of my friends, relatives, and even family members never learned the lessons from the lives of Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus. The lesson is that we must listen to what is inside and outside the box of their doctrine. In my experience, when I do some lecture, one person will shout, “You are satan, your lecture is demonic, terrorism, etc..” Do you know the topic of my lecture? The topic entails Loving GOD as Moses did and learning the Nature of GOD. How can they say it’s satanic, demonic, or terrorism if they just quickly judge and do not know how to listen? Their behavior is the result of the “Box Effect.“

How about you? Did you learn and apply the lesson from the story of Galileo? Or did you judge those people at the time of Galileo but subjected to the same scenario will also act the same way? Are you those arrogant people who close their minds because they think their doctrine is the Golden Standard? Or are you the innocent one willing to listen to what’s inside and outside the box to see the truth?


  1. “Nicolaus Copernicus. New Mexico Museum of Space History.”
  2. “Galileo’s Copernicanism. Albert Van Helden, 2024”