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We discussed the Bible's origin in our previous post that shows the reason why it is crucial to trace the origin of something when dealing with the Truth. Now we will see the Chronology to see what is the Missing Key that their doctrine bypassed so they can deviate and create their formulation of the Trinity doctrine. We will focus on the Bible Sources and identify this Missing Key that a false doctrine will ignore that blinds innocent Christians from seeing the Truth. Let us explore and understand different sources and identify the most reliable one to be used as our baseline in studying the Nature of GOD.
If we have read the previous post, we now know about the Oral Torah (a.k.a. the Oral Bible). It provides a detailed explanation on a case-by-case basis of the Written Torah, also known as the Old Testament for Christians. I think it is not right to call it “old” because it reflects the reality on the ground, encompassing both the past, present, and future, so it should be called by its rightful name, the Written Torah.
I grew up as a Catholic, so I know that Oral Torah (Oral Bible) is bypassed and has no idea that such exists, for they drive the parishioners to focus on the New Testament. They train the innocent Catholics to think that the New Testament fulfills the Written Torah (Old Testament), but it is straightforwardly wrong. We have to remember the order:
We should not decouple the Oral Torah (Oral Bible) from the Written Torah (Old Testament) because the Oral Torah elaborates on the Written Torah, for the Written Torah is a summarized version. There’s danger in this decoupling, as elaborated in Mosquito Analogy from the previous post. Below is another analogy to prove the point:
Superhero Analogy
The negative impact of removing the Oral Lecture and decoupling it from the zip file is undeniable because anyone can create their own interpretation and formulation. We cannot decouple/separate Oral Lecture from the zip file, for they are one. The difference is that the Oral Lecture of the Professor provides a comprehensive, detailed explanation, while the zip file is complete but in a compressed format.
Similarly, we cannot decouple the Oral Torah from the Written Torah (i.e., the Old Testament in Christian language). Oral Torah should come together with Written Torah, for they are one. The Oral Torah is the uncompressed version, and the Written Torah is the zip format. An example is the commandment: “Thou shall not kill.“The Ten Commandments were firmly established at the time of King David, so why would he kill Goliath? The answer is that there is a need for a context and case-to-case basis, which the Written Torah (i.e., the Old Testament for Christians) does not elaborate but summarizes this commandment. The context and case-to-case basis are in the Oral Torah, and the Written Torah is still complete but in a summarized format.
Similar to our analogy, the Roman Catholic doctrine bypasses the Oral Torah and proclaims that the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament. Let me give you an example: Trinity is a formulated doctrine. Did you know that a True Christ (i.e., the Messiah) will not die in the context of fulfilling the complete mission (not partial) set by GOD in the Oral and Written Testament? If their alibi is the suffering servant, it is covered in Chapter 14.11 The Suffering Servant of the Save Our Souls free book and it refers to the Israelites (present day Israelis). Did you know that the True Christ will not be born from a virgin? You’ll be surprised by a lot of things you do not know. The Oral Torah prophecies are genuinely directly from GOD, not a formulation. Which one is more reliable, the formulated one or the one directly from GOD?
The claim is that the New Testament is the Will of GOD and Trinity is based on the scriptures. If that is true, then the Oral Torah, Written Torah, and New Testament should have synchronized and no conflicting prophecies. The problem now is the inconsistencies between the New Testament and the Oral/Written Torah. For example, the True Christ (Messiah) is alive (not dead, no second coming) in context of fulfilling the complete mission and not partial, so the title Christ (Messiah) is bestowed upon him (The True Christ anointing is for our future post). The narrative for the prophecies directly given by GOD to the prophets should have some indication that it might change in the future. It might state something like “Until further notice…,” “Subject for future changes…,” but the truth is that the prophecy of the True Christ(Messiah) is very consistent with the Oral and Written Torah, and the New Testament deviates from it yet without synchronizing with the Oral Torah claims to have fulfilled the Written Torah, much like in our analogy where the narrative of the son claims that it fulfills the zip file assignment, without referring to the uncompressed version (i.e., referring to the Oral Torah in our context). For details of these inconsistencies, see Chapter 2 Messiah Origin in the Save Our Souls free book, available for download and free distribution.
GOD can see the future. If the New Testament is what GOD sees for the future, then what should have been given to Moses and the Prophets is a dead Christ (Messiah) coming back for the second time to fulfill that role. The Truth is GOD can see the future, and what GOD gave to Moses and the Prophets is that True Christ (Messiah) is not a dead person but is alive in the context of fulfilling the Complete Mission set By GOD, so there’s no second coming because True Christ (Messiah) is alive in fulling those missions. Many do not know about it (and I feel sorry for them) and think that what’s in their doctrine is the Golden Standard when, in fact, their doctrine is a deviation from what GOD foresaw for the future True Christ as the Genuine Prophecy.
Now that you know that the True Christ does not die fulfilling the complete mission, we have two versions of Christ: The Genuine Christ and the Formulated Christ. I stand with the Genuine Christ who does not die because that is the Genuine/Authentic Prophecy directly from GOD. As I’ve mentioned, they will demonize the whistleblowers as they did to Galileo Galilei, falsely accusing him of Heresy. As a whistleblower, I also experienced what Galileo had experienced. They falsely accused me of Terrorism, Satanic, Anti-Christ. Now you know that these are all lies intended to character-assassinate me so people will turn away from me. If you see both sides inside and outside the box, what will happen when that worthy person sits for the title of Christ and has not died in accomplishing the complete mission, and those who do not want the True Christ because they have Christ in their box who died, and create a notion of second coming. What probably will happen is that they will act against it because they want their candidate on their box to sit on that title against the True Christ who did not die and had accomplished all the mission alive, who will then become the Anti-Christ?
The problem is that they train people to stick inside the box of their doctrine. They will claim that they have accepted that the world is round (not geostatic, not geocentric). But the mindset is the same as of the time of Galileo Galilei; they only accepted the information but still stuck their mind within the box of their doctrine and trained to demonize people who speak against their doctrine, i.e., in my experience. If they only go out of the box (i.e., that they are in), they will see that there’s truth Out there and that the earth is round. Similarly, I encourage everyone not to close their mind and go out of the box and see the truth. Do not stick your mind inside the box, but look both inside and outside the box.
The key is knowing what is “really” directly from GOD, not the formulated one. Of course, they will claim that the New Testament is from GOD and that the Trinity doctrine, was formulated based on the New and Old Testament. But that claim is within the bounds of their narrative and not synchronized with the Original Prophecy from both the Oral and Written Torah (i.e., the Oral and Old Testament in Christian language). Is it not that the flat world (i.e., geo-static and geo-centric) claim of their doctrine against Galileo was based on the New and Old Testament? I’m not your enemy, but risking my life trying to save you from the false doctrine. May GOD bless you for reading and absorbing the lessons from this post.