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Many people would say that they would die for Jesus Christ as I did before, but when we ask them what Christ is, a lot of them do not know that it means the anointed one, and for them, it is Jesus. They do not know that the True Christ does not die in accomplishing his mission. There is no point in having a standpoint where you die without understanding what you’ll die for. It is not faith but ignorance like those people at the time of Galileo Galilei, a victim of the false doctrine. That is why I’m trying to save the good people from the disinformation and misinformation brought by their false doctrine. The Nature of GOD will build a strong foundation of Faith centered towards GOD.
When I took my degree and worked in the United States, I lived in a house owned by Jews. I did not know much about Jews because I was a solid Catholic way back. I do not fully understand what the Sabbath means because I only thought that it was a rest day. The Sabbath day was moved to Sunday by the Roman Catholic, and we all know that on Sundays, the Truth is that many do not rest. I’m sad to recall that I’ve played music on Saturdays (i.e., the Real Sabbath day, which starts on Friday sunset). I wish I had known it more before I stayed in their place. Despite that, they never influenced me for my Catholic faith. My ignorance was a product of the influence of the false doctrine I stood at that time. Back to my place, I sought GOD and started uncovering the Truth and things not discussed under their church. I learned what Jewish is. If I could turn back time, I would have joined every night with the owner as he read and studied the Torah. Time is not under my control, I cannot turn back time, but what I can control is I can share the light with others who are within the box of that false doctrine where I was, and with those good-hearted people.
I am not your enemy because there are many things that you do not know that the false doctrine will not tell you, but they will spend their best effort to demonize the whistleblower (e.g., accusing whistleblowers of satanism, demonic or terrorism) to keep people away from a whistleblower. It’s not just a theory because I learned it by experiencing their evil ways of turning people against me in real life. Of course, many of them will claim that they did this evil way for Jesus, but still, it is evil. Again, those innocent parishioners are victims of their evil deception to drive away people from the truth and to keep them within the boundaries inside the box of their false doctrine.
Let me give one example of how they trap people in the box of their false doctrine. When we talk about the false doctrine, one thing they will throw is that the whistleblower denies Jesus. If you ask them about a hypothetical situation, something is on the back of Jesus, there’s no mirror, Jesus cannot ask other people to read it for him, no reflection or tool to see his back. How can Jesus read what is written at the back of his body? They will argue that Jesus is GOD and can see everything. But my question is, how can his head see what is on his back? I’m asking about his flesh, which their doctrine claims that the word turns into flesh. Will Jesus’ head turn 365 degrees to see his back? Of course, his flesh has a limitation, so it cannot turn 365 degrees, otherwise forcing Jesus’ head to turn 365 degrees to make Jesus as GOD is like supporting exorcism. In short, Jesus is not GOD because a true GOD is Incorporeal, a superior form without any limitations. Many do not know that a True GOD is Incorporeal, yet they are the one who throws at you that you deny Jesus as GOD. You can see the lack of knowledge, due to the false doctrine, makes them a victim. I am here to help those innocent and good-hearted people see the Truth that the false doctrine will not share and to get them stuck inside the box of their false doctrine. Many become judgmental for defending the false doctrine. They do not understand that a True GOD does not need anointment to provide Salvation because GOD is Omnipotent and Christ is the anointed one, which means that Christ is not GOD as in the Original and Authentic prophecy.
Some even called me an idiot because they thought that I did not consider that Jesus was still a human being. Let me tell you that GOD is Perfect and Complete, and that is His Nature. There’s no such thing as GOD having a state where He has limitations to cross-fit their doctrine. Look at their lack of foundational knowledge of the Nature of GOD, which makes them stand for something that corrupts the Nature of GOD. Their alibi of Sacrifice for Salvation becomes useless because it never aligns with what a True GOD is. Their doctrine sells Salvation through the impurities and imperfection of their false GOD, and they do not care if their false GOD has a record of limitation because they do not care about the Nature of GOD. This type of Salvation that their false doctrine sells is not the way of a True GOD, for GOD will never take human form because a human form is never Incorporeal and has limitations by nature. Clearly, instead of putting the Nature of GOD above their doctrine, they turn it upside down, put their false doctrine first, and then “just” cross-fit the Nature of GOD to satisfy their formulation. If everything does not add up, they will apply the scapegoat that it is unfathomable (which is fathomable as demonstrated in our previous Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 and Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2 ).
Another weak foundation of faith is relying on miracles. Once they see that their doctrine has loopholes, they will turn to the number of miracles they have. They will make an alibi that it is miraculous. They can sum up all the miracles they have since the start of the Roman Catholic religion, did it make the Sun rotate on Earth? Did the whole universe rotate around the Earth? Their miracles are useless if it does not align with the Truth, so making miracles the foundation of faith is weak. Miracles do have some purpose, but that is only supplementary to faith and not for foundational purposes. The right Foundation of Faith is learning the Nature of GOD.
Regardless of how negative they think of me, it will not change the fact, the truth, the reality that I’m doing this to save people from the false doctrine. I did not invent, but my insights revolve around the Nature of GOD, allowing me to break their unfathomable scapegoat. Time is short, and many people laugh at me, but as time draws closer, more and more people can see why I focused on GOD and His Nature and became a whistleblower to save good-hearted people, again, time is short to save them and you may not understand me today, but in the future, you will.
Aside from the present, I also want to create a Global Education Platform/Programme so that future generations know about GOD and His Nature as the first education a child learns. For example, whether a child has parents or is an orphan, the child grows differently on the right path if the mind knows that GOD loves because the Nature of GOD is Love. If you have a research or a comparative study about child growth, you will see the positive impact that it brings, and as a whole, a positive effect on the world. The Nature of GOD also serves as our shield and armor against the false doctrine, and you may not understand it today, but again in the future, you will. In the succeeding post, we will iterate through the Nature of GOD.
For details, see Section 1.3 Nature of the Almighty GOD, Section 1.4 Nature, Emotions, and Decisions of GOD, Section 1.5 Nature and the Ripple Effect, Section 1.6 Nature and the Levels of Abstraction, Section 1.7 Nature of Man, and the Fault of Man and Hope in the Free Book Save Our Souls .