The Nature of GOD Inittive

The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title
The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI with added Title

What are the Natures of GOD? How can you claim to have strong faith if you do not even know what GOD is and His Nature? The solid Foundation of Faith is knowing the Nature of GOD. There’s a right paradigm of right faith that the false doctrine turned upside down to fit their formulations. As such, relying on doctrines is not enough unless we have a solid knowledge of the Nature of GOD and why the Initiative. In my journey of seeking GOD and the Truth, the big lesson I’ve learned from studying the Bible is the criticality of putting the Nature of GOD above any doctrine. Why is this so? To demonstrate, let us look at this story below:

The False Religion

A priest wants to establish a new religion. He has collected scriptures to support his formulation of having a powerless god. The narrative of his doctrine formulation includes their god being powerless as a sacrifice to provide salvation. Since this priest had good communication skills and charisma, he was able to create this religion with a large number of followers. One day, a foreigner visited their place and got curious about their faith. The faithful of that religion invited him into their church and started sharing about their powerless god. The foreigner said that he does not believe in their god. The priest showed the scriptures and verses in their Bible version that support their doctrine formulation and claim that it is from heaven, as indicated in their scriptures. No matter how the priest explained, the foreigner continued not to believe in it. The priest then told the foreigner he should be thankful that their god became powerless to save him. The foreigner just smiled and nodded his head. The priest called the cured cancer victims as witnesses of their miracles and the foreigner replied that the miracles did not matter to him. Finally, the priest asked the foreigner why he would not believe in their god. The foreigner answered: "I know that GOD is Omnipotent. There will never be any state or existence where GOD is powerless because if you insert a narrative of a GOD having a state of being powerless, you are creating impurities on the Omnipotent Nature of GOD. GOD is always Pure and Complete, and those are the Natures of GOD that your doctrine has corrupted, and it is not unfathomable. That salvation that they are selling is not the way of a True GOD. " With an ego, the priest did not listen to the answer of the foreigner. The priest walked away, telling his followers to keep away from this foreigner because they treated him as evil, satanic, demonic, or terrorist since he Prioritized the Nature of GOD over their formulated doctrine.

GOD is always powerful because if there’s a state where He is not powerful, then it will impact His Nature as a Complete and Perfect GOD. The foreigner knows that GOD is Omnipotent, so no matter what the doctrine formulation that the priest presents, the foreigner knows the truth that their god is a false GOD. The miracles to support their faith became useless because their false doctrine was not aligned with the True Nature of GOD. It shows that the foreigner does not have to undergo the details of the formulation of their doctrine with their scriptures and verses because, at a high level, he knows that GOD is Omnipotent and their false doctrine is not aligned with the Omnipotent Nature of GOD. The importance of understanding the Nature of GOD is of higher priority, over their narrative and formulations of their doctrine.

We also have demonstrated in our previous posts (GOD is Incorporeal 1, GOD is Incorporeal 2, GOD is Incorporeal 3, and GOD is Incorporeal 4), that by focusing on the Incorporeal Nature of GOD, we can see the loopholes and fallacies of Roman Catholic doctrine. In the free book Save our Souls , the Nature of GOD and man are explained (Section 1.3 Nature of the Almighty G-D, Section 1.7 Nature of Man, Section 1.8 Nature’s at fault, 1.9 Nature’s Hope), its ripple effect in Section 1.5 Nature and the Ripple Effect, and the right Paradigm of Faith in Section 1.6 Nature and Levels of Abstraction. The images below shows the right Paradigm of Faith that allows us to see the Truth against the false doctrine that turned it upside down to cross-fit their false doctrine, as explained in The Right Paradigm of Faith.

The Right Paradigm of Faith
The Right Paradigm of Faith

Since I was born a Christian, I sought Jesus at the lowest point of my life. I have studied the Bible to get closer to Jesus, but digging deeper and focusing my studies on the Nature of GOD, the more loopholes and fallacies proving that Jesus is not the One True GOD. Initially, I went into the denial stage and continued to be loyal to the Roman Catholic doctrine, but as I studied further with an open mind for the Truth, the facts, evidence, and the right paradigm pointed to the Truth that their doctrine is a false teaching. No one influenced me in this direction. Focusing on the Nature of GOD opens my mind to the Truth and allows me to see the fallacies of their doctrine. Learning this lesson, I thought of Christians and other good people to help them see the Truth that the Roman Catholic teaching is a false doctrine. I think of their welfare not mine. This realization of the importance of the Nature of GOD brought me to share this Paradigm of Faith.

Some people knew how I struggled to learn about GOD, and they considered themselves shepherds in this area but were the ones who left me behind or pushed me away. Those bad shepherds may make an alibi that they have not abandoned me, are lying, and are not telling the Truth, left me to run out of resources, left me to die in hunger and hide in the alibi for me to find a job. They treated me as an insignificant being. I have faith in GOD that He will provide justice against those bad shepherds, as mentioned in Zechariah 11:16-17, so I submitted to GOD what they did to me. I can only pray that GOD may take me with Him on the day of His wrath so it is not revenge or vengeful anymore because, on the side of GOD, it is called Justice (it will be abnormal for me not to seek justice on how people treated me wrongly). I prayed to GOD to Purify my intentions and Reverence for Him and submitted myself to Him, did my research and analysis, and with His Love and Mercy, GOD guided me to study His Nature and the Truth. I have focused on studying the Nature of GOD and offering my suffering as flowers to Him. The light that GOD has given me must be shared with everyone, as it will help us draw closer to Him and protect us from false doctrine. Understanding the Nature of GOD serves as a shield and armor against these false teachings. This knowledge will not only benefit us but also help future generations grow closer to GOD, shaping their character and promoting a harmonious and peaceful world.

My initiative is to have a global education system about the Nature of GOD as the first education a child learns. It will have an impact on the growth of the future generations. For example, in two orphans, one got educated that someone Loves Him because one of the Nature of GOD is Love, so even if the child is an orphan, once it sticks to his mind that GOD loves him, it will guide him to avoid doing the wrong things. The other one does not care because he thinks he is an orphan and no one loves him, so he does not care if he does the wrong thing. Psychologically, there is a positive impact on teaching the Nature of GOD, in this case, the Love of GOD, on children’s upbringing. From home, we can teach future generations about the Nature of GOD. Starting from the abstract level for young children and more details as the child grows. There will be corresponding platforms, programs and resources depending on the age and level of the child. This will help mold a better future generation and a better, peaceful, and harmonious world.

It is reflected in the prophecy that during the Messianic Age (Isaiah 11:9, Isaiah 2:2-3, and Habakkuk 2:14), the world will be filled with the knowledge of GOD. In Jeremiah 31:34 it states that no one will teach the other to heed GOD, so you may think that my initiative becomes useless. My view is that there will be no one to push us to learn about GOD, but it does not remove the possibility that we are still interested in learning about GOD and that no one will push us to learn about GOD, and GOD will put his spirit upon us. Think about those newly born children who do not know how to talk and walk yet, if the spirit of GOD is present in them, then it implies that a child knows GOD, even before he learns to talk or walk, so what is the point of seeking GOD and knowing GOD in the first place if the knowledge about GOD is already available through the spirit of GOD? Books and other resources become useless if everyone knows about GOD. Religious education becomes useless if everyone is knowledgeable about GOD. I think Jeremiah speaks that no one will push to learn about GOD because everyone will have an interest in learning about GOD, for the spirit of GOD resides in us. When our world becomes flooded with the knowledge of GOD, it is better to have that knowledge because we worked hard to learn about GOD as a sign that we love and seek GOD, rather than acquiring it in an instance with no effort on our side.

Aside from thinking about the welfare of future generations, I also think of the welfare of the present generation. With how the world runs: chaos, wars, famine, outbreaks, it’s not far that the wrath of GOD will come to our generation. Since no one can stop the wrath of GOD, how can we face His wrath? To answer this, let me give a simple analogy:

Courting for Love

Two boys courted the same girl and had some time to get along on ordinary days. The first boy bought lots of gifts for the girl. He follows the typical approach of providing things that would make someone happy. The second boy befriends the circle of friends of the girl for the purpose of knowing the nature and likes of the girl. The second boy learned that the nature of the girl is loving and caring for the poor. The first boy bought an expensive ticket to go to romantic places. The second boy invited the girl to a charity cause to feed the hungry and less fortunate in their area. The girl attended the first boy on their travel to different romantic places to tell him something. After that, the girl was also present at the charitable activity that the second boy organized with his friends. The second boy confesses to the girl that he loves her. The girl replied that she shared with the first boy that she attended as respect that the first boy also spent an effort and told him that she already has someone she loves and that someone is the second boy. The second boy happily hugged the girl and asked her what made her say yes. The girl answered: "You have spent your effort and time with my friends to know me and my nature. The level of effort you've allocated to know me and my nature reflects your interest and love for me, and helping the poor is close to my heart."

The point of the analogy is that knowing the Nature of GOD will help us get closer to loving GOD. It will help us get closer to GOD. What is the relationship with the wrath of GOD? For a husband and wife, if the husband or the wife made a mistake and want to reconcile with the partner, knowing the nature of your partner makes things easy to ask for forgiveness. If we know the Nature of GOD, we have some level of understanding of how to ask for a sincere apology for our sins and make a reconciliation with GOD. What do you think is the best approach when the wrath of GOD comes? Would it be better to embrace the wrath of GOD with the Love of GOD? We will not reach that level of the Love of GOD if we do not even know what GOD and His Nature is. So, my initiative is not useless, regardless of whether no one cares for this.

If you have the resources to materialize this Initiative, especially those blessed with wealth, please help me materialize my sincere intention before the wrath of GOD comes. If anyone wants to steal my idea/concept of this Initiative, please note that this comes from my experience, and GOD sees what I’ve been through, and GOD gave me this knowledge that I would like to share with people, please do not steal my Initiative, GOD is watching us. No one influenced me to do this and never copied it from someone or somewhere. The Initiative formation comes from my effort when I seek GOD, show my love to GOD, and think of the welfare of good-hearted people. If you can help me with this Initiative, please help so we can share the light before the wrath of GOD comes. The best approach to prepare for the wrath of GOD is to embrace it with the Love of GOD and maybe GOD will have mercy on us.

Wealthy people, please help me achieve this Initiative through your sponsorship in different areas to materialize this for the welfare of the people. Even if you are not wealthy, there are other areas in which we can help each other achieve this Initiative. In the scenario that no one cares and no one helps me achieve this Initiative, it will not change the reality that my intention is sincere and for the welfare of people. GOD can see my heart, mind, and soul, so I’m not worried about it because the Truth that I’ve shared is still the Truth, regardless the world does not believe in it, a lesson learned from the life story of Galileo Galilei. May GOD bless you for considering my Initiative for the welfare of the people.


  1. “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”