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Before answering the questions from The Real Christ 1 post, let us first explain the statement that the Real Christ does not die in the context of accomplishing the missions mentioned in The Missing Key to Truth post. Let us establish why Judaism has the right baseline of what Christ is, i.e., Messiah or Maschiach/Moschiach in Hebrew language transliteration, and that their doctrine redefines it to suit their formulation of making Jesus both the Messiah and GOD. Do you want to know why the Genuine Christ does not die in achieving the missions and that there’s no second coming? This post is for you.
To emphasize the relevance of establishing the knowledge and requirements for the Messiah, we first look at the timeline from Abraham to Moses and the Exodus, to the First and Second Temples. In Genesis 11:31, it is mentioned that Abraham went to the city of Ur (likely modern-day southern Iraq) and traveled to Canaan. In Archeology, the existence of the city of Ur is dated around the early 2nd millennium (circa 1800-2000 BCE). It means that when Jesus was born, Judaism was around 1800-2000 years old. Even if the prophecy of the Messiah were given to Isaiah (Isaiah 9:5-6, Isaiah 11:1-5 and Isaiah 11:10), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 30:8-9 and Jeremiah 33:14-18), and Ezekiel (Ezekiel 34:23-24, Ezekiel 37:24-25, Ezekiel 44:3-4, Ezekiel 45:7, Ezekiel 45:17, Ezekiel 45:21-23, Ezekiel 46:1-2), the prophet Moses is considered the Messiah. For details, see Messiah Reference Section of the free book Save Our Souls.
There were other Messiahs in history that GOD mentioned in the Bible. One example is King Cyrus as stated in Isaiah 45:1. The point is that Judaism already has the baseline on the requirements of what is a Messiah (i.e., what is Christ in Christian language) even before Christianity started. Now let us have some analogy before we dive into the narrative that the True Christ will not die in context in accomplishing the missions.
The Dead Candidate Analogy
Oral Torah came first before the Written Torah (Old Testament). As time passed by, the Oral Torah also got recorded in Talmud and Midrash (I wish I had been given the opportunity when I went to Israel to learn this, as it states Oral, I could given more to save the good Christians or good-hearted people, please understand my psychology, I grow up seeing a lot of good Christians with a good heart so I want to give them the Truth that the Roman Catholic bypassed the Oral Torah resulting to a situation where they do not know what is the authentic and genuine Christ/Messiah is, and all they know is what is within the box of the Roman Catholic doctrine, they are just victims of the false doctrine like me before, but again, there’s a limit to this good intention to save that good-people for time will come I have to set priority for GOD and Israel).
We have mentioned that in history, there are great people like Moses and King Cyrus who were considered Messiahs, but the one that we are talking about, i.e., at the end of days, is that the real Christ/Mashiach/Messiah is under the bloodline of King David reflected in Isaiah 11:1 and Jeremiah 33:15 (not adopted). Each generation within this bloodline will have this divine person ready for that Messiah position. If that divine person dies, it will be up to the next generation within the same bloodline of King David, until everything is ripe, i.e., that divine person who accomplished all that is expected for the title Mashiach alive (of course if he dies, it will be up for the next generation), the environment is ripe, the situation is ripe when all these things add up, then that divine person who accomplished everything that is expected in his lifetime (again alive) for this title will be anointed as the Maschiach, hence, the anointed. Aside from the above scriptures, the Oral Torah supports this (Sanhedrin 98a, Sanhedrin 98b, and Midrash Tehillim 18:36). For details, please consult a Rabbi in Judaism in Israel, since the Oral Torah is handed down from generation to generation, even up to our present day, for several millineas.
In the above diagram, we can see that even if we perform a bi-directional checking with the Oral Torah and Written Torah (Old Testament for Christians), then it fits well with the prophecy. However, for the New Testament, we can see that there are areas where they will reply to your question with the word “Unfathomable” as an answer. We already explained it in Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 and Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2 , in terms of the Nature of GOD, it is unfathomable and in terms of their doctrine, it is not unfathomable (as shown in the graphs of the above-mentioned posts).
The prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah received their prophecies through visions, while Jeremiah conveyed his messages orally. Although Jeremiah had Baruch by his side, he still needed to communicate to Baruch what GOD had revealed to him, and Baruch assisted by recording these messages in writing. All three prophets communicated orally what they received from GOD to the people, ensuring that these teachings were passed down from generation to generation.
However, there is a discrepancy between the New Testament and the Oral Torah. We can affirm that a teaching is from GOD only if both the Oral Torah and the New Testament align. Given that GOD sees the future, any discrepancies indicate that the original oral messages given to the prophets are the accurate ones, as they predate any later writings. GOD would have provided clear communication if there were any inconsistencies. When GOD entrusted messages to the prophets, there were no commentaries such as “Until further notice” or “Subject to future changes.” Since GOD is all-knowing, what has been provided in both the Oral and Written Torah is considered accurate in context with the prophecy of the Messiah and should not be confused with later formulated doctrines like the Trinity.
I hope it is clear that the real Christ is alive upon accomplishing all the missions (i.e., no second coming concept). He will be given the title Christ because he completed the missions in his lifetime. Even in Jewish history, some candidates, where during those times, were believed to be the Mashiach. One example is the story of Bar Kochba, in whom many Jews were hopeful that he was the Messiah, but when Bar Kochba died, they gave up that hope because they knew the real Christ/Messiah would not die in accomplishing the mission. They never gave the title Christ to Bar Kochba. Likewise, when Jesus died, Jews understood that Jesus was not the real Christ/Messiah.
To keep my promise to our previous post The Real Christ 1 , here are the short answers.
Was Jesus anointed? No, because the real Christ will be anointed by the anointing oil prepared by Moses, not by Holy Water, nor Holy Spirit.
What is used for anointing the Christ? The official anointing oil is the one prepared by Moses that was hidden by King Josiah (along with the Ark of the Covenant) before the destruction of the First Temple. (Not by Holy Water, Not by Holy Spirit)
When is Christ anointed? He will be anointed at the end of days, so it is clear that during the time of Jesus, it was not yet the end of days.
If Jesus is GOD, what is lacking in him that requires an anointment to provide salvation? My point is that we do not anoint the One True GOD because He is Omnipotent, i.e., GOD already has the Absolute Authority and Sovereignty and nothing lacking in Him, even recognition.
What is the purpose of anointing? Anointing is not just about recognition, but it involves the elevation of Authority and Sovereignty. For examples, ordinary Saul elevated his authority and sovereignty to a King level when the prophet Samuel anointed him. Likewise to King David, King Solomon and all those anointend Kings. Even at present, a prince is anointed to recognize the elevation of his Authority and Sovereignty into a King level.
We will elaborate these topics on our next post The Real Christ 3 .