The Real Christ 4

From the stump of Jesse and a branch of King David image by DALL-E AI
From the stump of Jesse and a branch of King David image by DALL-E AI

In the earlier post The Real Christ 2, the Real Christ will not die in accomplishing the missions, contrary to the “Formulated” Roman Catholic Trinity doctrine. Christ/Mashiach/Messiah title is “Only” given to that holy/divine person who did not die and accomplished the mission. In their doctrine, they already gave the title Christ to Jesus, even if he did not achieve it in his lifetime, which is wrong (e.g., the global peace expected from a Real Christ/Mashiach/Messiah to achieve, again, alive and not dead). In the original, authentic and genuine prophecy, Christ or Messiah is NOT a GOD because he is the “anointed one” and we will cover it in this post.

Let us first understand the function of anointing in the context of the Christ/Mashiach/Messiah. Being anointed is not just about divine recognition or servitude. Imagine this hypothetical situation: A Prince in one kingdom cannot give orders to the Generals because the General will only take orders from the king. We will apply their logic that it is just about divine recognition or servitude. One day, their king died. The son (who is the Prince) takes over as the new king. He got anointed and now gives orders to the Generals. The Generals declined and responded that their loyalty and obedience to the dead king, so the new king had no authority or sovereignty to give orders to the Generals. If we apply their logic (i.e., it is just about divine recognition or servitude), then those Generals recognize that they have a new king but decline to follow his orders. The new king cannot remove them from their position as protected by the laws that even a King is not above the law. The reality is anointing is not just divine recognition or servitude. The accurate definition is divine recognition of the elevation of authority, sovereignty, and servitude. In that way, the New “Anointed” King has the authority and sovereignty to give orders to the Generals or the authority to replace existing ones, for his authority and sovereignty got elevated from being at a Prince level to a King’s level of authority and sovereignty, and not just recognition. Even if the alibi is that they recognize the new king and follow his orders, there is still an elevation of authority and sovereignty.

In the original (not formulated), authentic, and genuine prophecy, Christ is not a GOD. Christ is only a human being, and GOD is above Christ. You might argue that in the Trinity doctrine, Jesus is the Christ, the Father in Heaven is the GOD in heaven, with the Holy Spirit as One GOD. The problem with the Trinity Doctrine is that they equate Christ with GOD (a formulated doctrine where Jesus is their Christ). Jesus is Not the Real Christ because he died, but the Real Christ will not die in accomplishing the missions in his lifetime. It is sad because many good-hearted Christians did not know about it. Most of them only know what is inside the box of the Roman Catholic doctrine. I can attest to this because I lived as a Catholic most of my life, and seeking GOD leads me to the Truth that Jesus is not the Real Christ. The Real Christ is the holy person who is anointed at the end of time/days in his lifetime (again, not dead and not resurrected). Obviously, it is not the end of time/days at the time of Jesus. The Real Christ will be anointed by the oil prepared by Moses and not by the Holy Spirit (discussed in the previous post The Real Christ 3 ). The Real Christ is Not a GOD.

GOD is Omnipotent. We only anoint someone who is NOT a GOD like Christ because anointing means divine recognition of the elevation of authority and sovereignty. It is discussed in Chapter 4 Omnipotence of the Save Our Souls free book. Judaism perfectly fits the prophecy because Christ is only a human being who needs divine recognition to elevate his authority and sovereignty to lead the world in the direction that GOD planned/wanted for us. In Trinity, it violates the Omnipotence of GOD because we do not anoint GOD (as in their doctrine, Jesus is both GOD and the Christ). There is nothing lacking in GOD, not even recognition, for GOD is Complete and Perfect. There is nothing lacking in the authority and sovereignty of GOD to anoint GOD. The authority and sovereignty of GOD are absolute and do not need any ritual/process of elevation such as anointing. That is the result of their formulation of the Trinity doctrine that would end up as the “Unfathomable” scapegoat that we have proven that it is not unfathomable, as discussed in Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 1 and Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2 .

GOD is GOD, and He is not Christ. Mashiach (Christ in Christian terms) is the person (not GOD) whom GOD chose to lead the world in that ideal peaceful and harmonious world called the Messianic Age. Since Christ /Mashiach/Messiah/is not GOD and is only a human being, he needs anointment so that everyone would know that GOD recognizes him to lead and that his authority and sovereignty are elevated to fulfill this role alive (not dead, not resurrected). The Sacrifice for Salvation scapegoat will serve no use because of the Ripple Effect on the Nature of GOD, discussed in Broken Unfathomable Doctrine 2.

The lesson from this is that if only we make the Nature of GOD the Foundation of our Faith, we would have captured this false doctrine in the first place. It would not spread and fool many good-hearted people I’m trying to save from false teachings and false GOD. If we knew that one of the Nature of GOD is being Omnipotent, we would have captured in the first place that GOD does not need anointment to provide salvation because He is Omnipotent and being an Omnipotent being means having absolute authority and sovereignty, and nothing lacking for GOD is Complete and Perfect. If we knew the Nature of GOD, no matter what formulations or verses they throw at us, we would not be deceived by their false teachings. I pray that it is not yet too late to save those good-hearted people from their false doctrine.

The post picture represents the two verses regarding the Real Christ/Mashiach/Messiah. Note that some will pronounce Mashiach as Moshiach. Here are the two verses:

But a shoot shall grow out of the stump of Jesse, A twig shall sprout from his stock.

In those days and at that time, I will raise up a true branch of David’s line, and he shall do what is just and right in the land.

The cut-out trunk of the tree represents Judaism and Israel. Many have tried to destroy and disperse the Israelites around the world (diaspora), but what we do not see is this cut-out trunk has rooted out in Real Faith in GOD in Judaism that even dispersed in the four corners of the world it was able to thrive. That root is Judaism, which binds the generations as one. Even with multiple cultures, nationalities, foods, and traditions, they still function as One, so Judaism is not just a religion or ethnicity but more than that. Judaism is the root that sustains nutrients that others see as cut off but actually is alive, and we can see that no other nation in the world became a nation in one day. From this cut-of tree will sprout from Jesse the Real Christ from the Branch of King David under the Tribe of Judah (not adopted like Jesus), the Mashiach/Messiah that will bring Peace, Harmony, the ideal world called the Messianic Age, and fulfill the Everlasting Covenant. Please see the details in Chapter 12 Everlasting Covenant of the Free Save Our Souls book.

May you be blessed and enlightened for reading this post.

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  1. “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”