The Right Paradigm of Faith

The Right Paradigm of Faith
The Right Paradigm of Faith

Nowadays, the norm is to think and focus on the religion they are in, i.e., their doctrine above the Nature of GOD, and it has been like this for millennia for other faiths. Before the Universe exists, the Nature of GOD already exists. The Nature of GOD is above creations and doctrines. Even angels are not above the Nature of GOD. For example, Omnipotence is the Nature of GOD and no angel or creation that can surpass the Omnipotence of GOD. Has anyone noticed that there is a downside to turning this paradigm upside-down and it is wrong? The above diagram shows the opposite of this, where the Nature of GOD is above any religion, and we will cover that in this post.

Before answering this question, let us look back when a monotheistic faith was not the dominant belief. At that time, people understood the concept of a god (lowercase, referring to a false god), but they worshiped pagan deities. The One True GOD appeared to Abram, as reflected in Genesis 17:1-22, made a covenant with him, and changed Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s to Sarah. Did Abraham have a book about what a true GOD is that he can refer to? The faith of Abraham did not have a religious title at that time, but it can be considered an Abrahamic faith as a monotheistic belief. Polytheism was rampant during his time, i.e., the worship of many gods. Did Abraham have any books to read about what GOD is? Knowing GOD was based on his experience and understanding of what GOD is, not dictated by any religion. In his time, Abraham established that there is only one True God, and this knowledge was handed down to his descendants or succeeding generations.

In the Book of  Exodus, Moses met GOD on Mount Sinai and GOD with the Israelites on their journey in the desert. Within this journey, they have learned the Nature of GOD that allows them to invalidate other faiths misaligned with the Nature of the One True GOD. No manual or book entails what GOD is, so it is by direct personal experience in the presence of GOD that they understand what GOD is and His Nature. At this point, we already have a Baseline on the True Nature of GOD. 

Can GOD change in the context of His Nature?  As stated in Malachi 3:6, GOD does not change. His Nature will always stay consistent and will never change. For example, the Purity Nature of GOD will never change, for He always remains pure. Please do not confuse the Nature of GOD with His Emotions and Decisions. Emotions and Decisions can change, but the Nature of GOD stays consistent and will not change, as discussed in Section 1.4 Nature, Emotions, and Decisions of GOD of the Save Our Souls book. The diagram below reflects the right Paradigm of Faith where the Nature of GOD is above any religion (Zoom In).

Figure A. The Right Paradigm of Faith
Figure A. The Right Paradigm of Faith

We can see that the Nature of GOD is above any religion. Recall that in our introductory post, the Nature of GOD existed before any religion, as it is part of GOD. The above is the right paradigm to base our beliefs in our One True GOD based on His True and Unchanging Nature. Even atheists do not believe in GOD, and that is their belief. Every religion has its own beliefs, but on what basis are their beliefs in GOD?

If we notice in the diagram above, the “What” that GOD had revealed points to “Who” really GOD is. That “What” is the Baseline because it was shared, not just to a single person, but to the Nation of Israel at the time of Moses. A clear and undeniable Baseline that points to “Who” GOD is.

The danger arises when we put our minds inside the box of religion. Let me give an example: during the time of Galileo Galilei, as explained in Section 3.6 Science vs. False Doctrine of the book  Save Our Souls , many minds during that time stayed within the box of their religion and closed their minds because the narrative of their New Testament contradicts the theories of Galileo. The narrative of their religion derails the people from seeing the Truth. The big problem is the mind-setting paradigm. Whether they are good or bad people does not matter because the mind-setting paradigm is the issue. Even in my personal experience, I can attest that many people that I know, whether they are good-hearted people or not, many of them will still say that they have accepted the concept of Heliocentrism (in layman’s terms, the earth is not the center of the universe and it’s the earth that revolves around the sun). In reality, what they have accepted is just the fact of science and the reality of our physical world, but the mind-setting paradigm is still the same; their mind got locked within the box of their religion, which leads them in the wrong direction. The issue is the mind-setting paradigm. We should give some room to listen to both sides so that there is a check and balance for the Truth to prevail.

Remember that religion has its narratives on “What” GOD is for their faith. Instead of adhering to the baseline of “What” of GOD, i.e., the Nature of GOD that will point to the who GOD truly is, the narrative of their religion inverted this that they customize their baseline focusing on the “Who”and then cross-fitting the “What”that would result to unreconcilable differences in Nature and just called it “Unfathomable”. It is not unfathomable, and we have evidence to support this (See it in the book Save Our Souls ).

Figure B. The Wrong Paradigm of Faith
Figure B. The Wrong Paradigm of Faith

The above  Inversion shows that it is not appropriate to create a narrative within that religion that focuses first on the “Who” to cross-fit the “What” of the Nature of GOD, regardless if their basis comes from their scripture, as we have learned from the case of Galileo. As you continue to read our Posts, we can see that it is not unfathomable on separate Posts in the future, and we can prove it, even in a repeatable process/way, as shown in the book Save Our Souls .  

The unreconcilable difference occurs when they put the “Who”first because they can make someone their god (small case) and cross-fit the “What” to their narrative within their religion. We can fall into this kind of misalignment far from the True Nature of GOD because we have constrained our minds within the box of religion.We should remember that the Nature of GOD is above any religion and that religions should put the Nature of GOD above their narratives to ensure that we follow the baseline that GOD has shared with us. They have shifted the paradigm. We should not tweak the Nature of GOD to suit the narrative within that religion because the Nature of GOD will never change, so we should not change it.

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