The Ripple Effect

The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI
The Nature of GOD book image created by DALL-E AI

We will now focus on their doctrine’s claim Sacrifice for the Salvation of Mankind over Sin. This alibi or scapegoat of the Hypostatic Union or Dual Nature of GOD proves incorrect, broken, and is not unfathomable. The concept of the Nature of GOD with the Chain Reaction, Cascading, Domino, or Ripple Effect shows us that this doctrine is not the works of GOD. This effect is ignored in their formulation, otherwise, Trinity or the Hypostatic Union would have not been formulated in the first place. Many of the Nature of GOD are not independent but have correlations. We should emphasize its impact on the Truth,to see the fallacy of their doctrine and reflect it in this post.

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son,[a] full of grace and truth.

(Page 125) From the first formulations of her faith, the Church has confessed that Jesus was conceived solely by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, affirming also the corporeal aspect of this event: Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit without human seed. (Page 882) The union of the divine and human natures in the one divine Person (Greek: Hypostasis) of the Son of GOD, Jesus Christ.

Their syntheses represent the three distinct divine persons: the Father (Who is in Heaven), the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Each is the god of the same essence or nature, complete and whole in unity as One god. Jesus is the Son begotten by the Father and the Holy Spirit who proceeds, called the Trinity Doctrine, to show that everything comes from the Father via the Son and the Holy Spirit, each person is distinct from the other and is considered consubstantial, coequal, and coeternal.

The above shows the Hypostatic Union representing a Dual Nature and the Trinity doctrine representing the three divine persons as One GOD. The Hypostatic Union and Trinity doctrine convey this union as One GOD, so the record of Jesus in their doctrine is considered the record and history of GOD for salvation, hence the Sacrifice for Salvation. The problem of the Unity of Hypostatic Union and Trinity Doctrine is this record of Jesus as the way to salvation. See the Broken Unfathomable Scapegoat graph below.

Broken Unfathomable Scapegoat
Broken Unfathomable Scapegoat

Would you still lie to yourself that Jesus died because his body is already in the state of being incapable of sustaining life? Would you still deny that Jesus has incapability and limitations? Some may laugh and reason out that because Jesus is in human form for our salvation, but look at the graph with their narrative of salvation. The Nature of Man will create that deviation from the Perfect record of GOD.GOD is Omnipotent, as His Nature, so GOD has no limitations, but the Nature of Man has limitations. The One True GOD has no incapabilities, but Jesus has incapabilities. No Incapabilities and Incapabilities can never be coequal. No Limitation and Limitation can never be equal. Their doctrine talks about substance that is consubstantial but neglects to see the perspective on the Nature of GOD. Feel free to review Section 1.3 Nature of the Almighty GOD, Section 1.7 Nature of Man, Section 1.8 Nature’s at fault, Section 1.9 Nature’s hope, and Section 1.12 Unfathomable and Mindset Paradigm from the free book Save Our Souls.

In the Hyperstatic Union and Trinity doctrine, they considered Jesus as GOD, so his history and record are part of the record of their GOD because they are One in Unity. The problem with the view now as One GOD. In the graph, the record of Jesus would create a deviation in the unblemished, perfect, and straight record of GOD. Even before the creation, the record of GOD will never have any blemish of incapabilities, but they are injecting Jesus as GOD, which creates impurities on the record of GOD. Whether we start our examination on the Purity or Omnipotence of GOD, this will cause a Ripple Effect. Their doctrine did not consider the Ripple Effect of their formulation to make man a GOD. Let us start with the Purity of GOD. The Nature of GOD is that He is always Pure, not sometimes, not somewhere, and not when their formulation decides to. They only perceive purity on the view of Holiness, but what about the Purity of the record of GOD? GOD will never have any bad record of incapabilities, but their doctrine ignores this logic because they are pushing to make man a GOD, which is wrong. Purity also involves GOD having no blemish on His record in any form. What they introduce is impurity on the record of their false GOD. If there’s a state of incapability or limitation, it pollutes that GOD is Omnipotent, creating impurities.

The Ripple Effect expresses that when someone has impurities, Jesus cannot claim completeness or perfection. If Jesus is incomplete or imperfect, it is simple to understand that Jesus is not absolute because no being can attain absolution in all aspects if one aspect is incomplete or imperfect. If Jesus is not absolute, then Jesus cannot claim that he is Omnipotent because being Omnipotent means having Absolute Power, Authority, and Sovereignty in all existence, and not when their doctrine decides to. If Jesus cannot be Omnipotent, then he cannot be the Almighty because an Almighty GOD requires being Omnipotent. If Jesus is not the Almighty, it is simple to understand that Jesus is not GOD, and not unfathomable. Let’s look at the other example:

Human Mary carrying baby Jesus depection by DALL-E AI
Human Mary carrying baby Jesus depection by DALL-E AI

In our first example, we started the ripple effect on the Purity (Nature of GOD). This second example proves the existence of a relationship between the different Natures of GOD. Note that this second example deserves a separate post, so we will only give a high-level overview. In the above picture, Jesus is incapable, so Mary has to carry him. In short, Jesus has a state of incapability. This state is not acceptable. Their doctrine implies that there is a state where a Human is in control because their false GOD is incapable. Regardless of the reason that it is the plan of the Father in heaven who is in control above all, Jesus in human flesh still has that state of incapabilities and that situation still portrays in it is possible in their doctrine that in some level of existence their false GOD is not in control, but a human does over their false GOD. There is still a state that will create impurities on the Omnipotence of GOD. Impurities are not the way of a True GOD because GOD is good in all his ways. It will cause a ripple effect on the Omnibenevolence of GOD because the way of impurities for the Salvation of Mankind is not the way of GOD, but only their formulation to make man a GOD. Impurity is not the way of a True GOD. Jesus cannot claim Omnibenevolence, thus imperfect. Similarly, this will continue to ripple on the Nature of GOD of being Absolute, Perfect, and Almighty that will end to a point to someone who is not a GOD. We cannot make that alibi that Jesus rose from the dead and got purified by the Holy Spirit because no matter how many times Jesus got resurrected from the dead and got purified, replicating this graph, we will still have that record at a specific point in time where it shows the deviation/blemish in the record of Jesus that will create impurities on the Overall record of GOD, a repeatable process of proving that it is not unfathomable.

Many examples show that their doctrine formulation violates the Nature of GOD like Jesus is below the Sovereignty and Authority of Pontious Pilate, which can never happen to a True GOD because GOD will never have any state of all His existence where GOD is below the Authority and Sovereignty of another being. The problem is that they mainly focus only on the two words Sacrifice and Salvation, but neglect to include in the equation of their formulation the ripple effect that it will cause to the Nature of GOD. Carefully looking at the context of nature and not man itself, the Nature of Man can never be in unity with the Nature of GOD because GOD designed man to be imperfect and incomplete. This design has a purpose because this imperfection and incompleteness push humans to get closer to GOD. The Nature of Man can never be coequal with the Nature of GOD, so the narrative that the word turns into flesh for the Salvation of Mankind is a false doctrine.

The Ripple Effect on the Nature of GOD in all existence is not addressed in their narrative of Salvation, leading to the formation of false doctrines, such as the Hypostatic Union and the Trinity. Some of the Nature of GOD impact others; for example, Omnipotence and Omnibenevolence each possess their state of purity. If we introduce impurity into any of these attributes, it will affect the overall purity of GOD. Another element is the State of GOD in all His existence. If we introduce a state where their god has incapabilities, it will put impurities in the overall states of existence, so a dual nature does not apply to the One True GOD. GOD does not take human form for Salvation because GOD is Incorporeal as discussed in GOD is Incorporeal 1 , GOD is Incorporeal 2 , GOD is Incorporeal 3 , GOD is Incorporeal 4 . The narrative of man as GOD for Salvation creates a ripple effect that will corrupt the Nature of GOD. When we say that GOD is Pure, that is in all aspects, in all levels, and not by the decision of when their doctrine decides. When we say that GOD has no limitations because He is Omnipotent, it is reflected in all layers, levels, and existence, and not by when their doctrine decides to. GOD will never have any state of being incapable, impure, and incomplete so their narrative of Sacrifice for the Salvation of Mankind over sin is a false doctrine and not unfathomable.

Do you have Faith in GOD that He can provide you Salvation where He has Purity in all aspects, states, levels, and layers of existence?


  1. “Save Our Souls. Fritz Jeran Velasco, 2024”
  2. “Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, 2019”