Support Me image created by DALL-E AI
Support Me image created by DALL-E AI

I have dedicated my life and sacrificed my career to sharing truths that guide souls to the One True GOD. Your donation is vital; it supports the operating costs that keep this mission alive, helps reach more people, and keeps this website and free book accessible. Join this meaningful mission as a donor, sponsor, or contributor, and together, let us make a difference and transform lives leading to the Love of GOD. Click your preferred digital payment below to view the guide that will make donation easier. If you have not installed it, click the name of the digital platform indicated in the steps to redirect you to installation. Note: If you donate or sponsor, please no terrorism and no anti-semitism.

GCash Logo

1. In your mobile, open the GCash App

2. Tap QR button and scan the QR image

GCash QR Code Scanner

3. Enter the amount to send and tap Next

4. Review the details and tap Send

5. View or download your receipt

Note: Transfer fees may apply. Thank You!

Maya Logo

1. In your mobile, open the Maya App

2. Tap QR button and scan the QR image

GCash QR Code Scanner

3. Key-in the amount and tap Continue

4. Review the details and tap Send

5. Receive the confirmation message

Note: Transfer fees may apply. Thank You!

Paypal Account

1. Donation Link Ahavah Publisher

2. Click Send (amount is on the next step)

3. Enter the amount to send and tap Next

4. Choose your method (e.g, card, etc.),

5. Review and tap Send Payment Now

6. Receive the confirmation message

Note: Transfer fees may apply. Thank You!

For transparency, below is the breakdown of items needed to continue this mission of saving the good people. Your generosity can make a difference in this world. Click the Arrow or Title below to expand or collapse the details.

Website Infrastructure
Here is an overview of the essential resources required to successfully develop, maintain, and operate the website:

Item & PriorityDescriptionCost
Domain Name Fee(H)Paid annually and we need to renew this year$43
Web Hosting Fee(H)Paid annually($20) and we need to subscribe to a plan or $25 monthly$240
Internet Connection Internet connectivity is crucial in this mission to save the good peopleSponsored
WebDev Laptop(H)A high-performance machine with a 17" or larger display, ideal for web development, AI, and video processing for social media.$ TBD
Monitor(M)Larger screens to maximize development efficiency enabling multiple views and multitask$ TBD
[MS Office 2021(L) I can work with freeware but with formatting issues. Buying Office 2021 is better.$250
Priority:  H - High,   M - Medium,   L - Low

I am grateful that one good person sponsored the Internet Connection (May GOD bless him with good health and a happy life). We encourage people to also help as sponsors or donors to make a positive impact in this world.
Global Education Platform


I am deeply committed to creating a world of love, peace, harmony, and unity. This vision is rooted in the belief that nurturing our children’s minds with GOD as our perfect model is the cornerstone of achieving such a world and for humanity so we can shape a better and brighter future.


To cultivate a world of love, peace, harmony, and unity, grounded in the Truth of GOD and inspired by His Nature.


To share the Truth to save good people and be a light to the world, and establish a Global Educational Platform (G.E.P) that unites parents, communities, governments, and private institutions in nurturing humanity with life-affirming values rooted in the Nature of GOD.

G.E.P. Key Components

1. Home-Centric Early Education

  • Parents play a pivotal role in teaching children with the Values and Nature of GOD
  • Resources and guidance will be provided to parents to support this early education.

2. Stage-Specific Learning

  • The educational content is tailored to align with the child’s stage of life, age, and level.
  • Continuous learning will be emphasized, with adaptations made as children grow.

3. Free Books and Digital Resources

  • High-quality, age-appropriate books will introduce children to the Values and Nature GOD.
  • Digital applications and resources are provided ensuring accessibility and engagement.

4. Community and Institutional Support

  • Governments and private institutions will be invited to invest in and support this program.
  • Local communities are engaged as a supportive environment for children and parents.

Call to Action for Sponsors and Donors

I envision an organization dedicated to implementing this Global Educational Platform. If I had the resources, I would personally establish and lead such an organization. However, I humbly seek the support of individuals, organizations, and institutions that share this vision. If you have the means to bring this initiative to life, I urge you to join me in this endeavor. Together, we can nurture the next generation with values rooted in the Nature of GOD, ensuring the welfare of humanity.

How Your Support Will Make a Difference

Your sponsorship or donation will directly contribute to:

  • Developing and distributing educational resources for children and parents.
  • Training programs for parents and educators.
  • Creating digital tools and platforms to enhance accessibility and engagement.
  • Establishing community-based support systems to implement the program.

For details and why it is important to align with the Nature of GOD, please see The Nature of GOD Initiative.

Personal Operating Expenses
To achieve a world with love, peace, harmony, and unity, we must lay the foundation for a Global Educational Platform that instills GOD’s values in children from the very beginning of their lives. This mission is ambitious, but its impact on humanity is immeasurable. However, bringing this vision to life requires resources, and supporting my Personal Operating expenses is critical to ensuring steady and focused progress of this endeavor.

Your contribution enables me to dedicate myself fully to this mission, developing the necessary frameworks, resources, and partnerships needed to nurture our children with life-affirming values rooted in GOD’s Nature. Together, we can shape a brighter, more harmonious future for generations to come.

Please consider supporting this cause today - your generosity will not only sustain this vision but help transform it into reality. Thank you for believing in this mission.